Electrochemical promotion of ethanol partial oxidation and reforming reactions for hydrogen production
| Arash Fellah Jahromi, Estela Ruiz-López, Fernando Dorado, Elena A. Baranova, Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra |
Renewable Energy |
8 |
2022 |
Electrochemical control of the RWGS reaction over Ni nanoparticles deposited on yttria stabilized zirconia
| D. Zagoraios, N. Kokkinou, G. Kyriakou, A. Katsaounis |
Catalysis Science & Technology |
2022 |
Electrochemical promotion of copper nanoparticles for the reverse water gas shift reaction
Yu Wang, Martin Couillard, Elena A. Baranova
Catalysis Science & Technology |
11 |
2022 |
A Discussion on the Unique Features of Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis (EPOC): Are We in the Right Path Towards Commercial Implementation?
A. Caravaca, J. Gonzalez-Cobos, and P. Vernoux
30 |
2020 |
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation over nanodispersed Pd/Co3O4 catalysts
| Zagoraios, D., Athanasiadi, A., Kalaitzidou, I., Ntais, S., Katsaounis, A., Caravaca, A., Vernoux, P., Vayenas, C.G. |
Catalysis Today |
11 |
2020 |
Theoretical insight into the origin of the electrochemical promotion of ethylene oxidation on ruthenium oxide
| Yasmine M. Hajar, Laureline Treps, Carine Michel, Elena A. Baranova, Stephan N. Steinmann,
Catalysis Science & Technology |
2019 |
Electrochemical Promotion of Nanostructured Palladium Catalyst for Complete Methane Oxidation
| Yasmine M. Hajar, Balaji Venkatesh and Elena A. Baranova |
Catalysts |
2019 |
Electropositive Promotion by Alkalis or Alkaline Earths of Pt-Group Metals in Emissions Control Catalysis: A Status Report
| Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Philippe Vernoux,Grammatiki Goula, and Angel Caravaca |
Catalysts |
2019 |
Electrochemical promotion of propylene combustion on Ag catalytic coatings
I. Kalaitzidou, T. Cavoué, A. Boreave, L. Burel, F. Gaillard, L. Retailleau-Mevel, E.A. Baranova, M. Rieu, J.P. Viricelle, D. Horwat, P. Vernoux
Catalysis Communications |
2018 |
Electrochemical Promotion of CO Oxidation on Na-Promoted Pt/YSZ: Interaction Between Multiple Promoting Species
E. Stavrakakis and D. Poulidi
Topics in Catalysis |
2018 |
In situ monitoring of the phenomenon of electrochemical promotion of catalysis
| J.P. Espinós, V.J. Rico, J. González-Cobos, J.R. Sánchez-Valencia, V. Pérez-Dieste, C. Escudero, A. de Lucas-Consuegra, A.R. González-Elipe |
J. Catal. |
2018 |
Effect of support oxygen storage capacity on the catalytic performance of Rh nanoparticles for CO2 reforming of methane
| I.V. Yentekakis, G. Goula, M. Hatzisymeon, I. Betsi-Argyropoulou, G. Botzolaki, K. Kousi, D.I. Kondarides, M.J.Taylor, Ch.M.A. Parlett, A. Osatiashtiani, G. Kyriakou, J. P. Holgado, R.M. Lambert |
Appl Catal. B |
2018 |
Electrochemical Promotion for Hydrogen production via ethanol steam reforming reaction
| E. Ruiz López, F. Dorado, A. De Lucas Consuegra |
Appl. Catal. B |
2018 |
Evaluation of carbon supported platinum–ruthenium nanoparticles for ammonia electro-oxidation: Combined fuel cell and electrochemical approach
| Júlio César M. Silva, Spyridon Ntaisa, Érico Teixeira-Neto, Estevam V. Spinacé, Xiaoyu Cui, Almir O. Neto, Elena A. Baranova |
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy
2017 |
Functional equivalence of electrochemical promotion and metal support interaction for Pt and RuO2 nanoparticles
| Yasmine M.Hajar, Kiran D. Patel, Ubaidullah Tariq, Elena A. Baranova |
J Catal |
2017 |
Electrochemical modification of nickel surfaces for efficient glycerol electrooxidation
| Mohamed S.E. Houache, Emily Cossar, Spyridon Ntais, Elena A. Baranova |
J Power Sources |
2017 |
Effect of support nature on the cobalt-catalyzed CO2 hydrogenation
| J. Díez-Ramíre, P. Sánchez, V. Kyriakou, S. Zafeiratos, G.E. Marnellos, M. Konsolakis, F. Dorado |
J CO2 Utilization |
2017 |
Atomic layer deposition of highly dispersed Pt nanoparticles on a high surface area electrode backbone for electrochemical promotion of catalysis
Y. Hajar, V. Di Palma, V. Kyriakou, M.A. Verheijen, E.A. Baranova, P. Vernoux, W.M.M. Kessels, M. Creatore, M.C.M. van de Sanden, M.N. Tsampas
2017 |
Electrochemical Acceleration of Ammonia Synthesis on Fe-Based Alkali-Promoted Electrocatalyst with Proton Conducting Solid Electrolyte
| Fumihiko Kosaka , Takehisa Nakamura, Akio Oikawa, and Junichiro Otomo |
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. |
2017 |
Recent advances in electrochemical promotion of catalysis
| P. Vernoux
Catalysis |
2017 |
Functional equivalence of electrochemical promotion and metal support interaction for Pt and RuO2 nanoparticles
Y.M. Hajar, K.D. Patel, U. Tariq, E.A.Baranova
2017 |
Enhancement of Ammonia Synthesis on a Co3Mo3N-Ag Electrocatalyst in a K-βAl2O3 Solid Electrolyte Cell
| J. Díez-Ramírez, V. Kyriakou, I. Garagounis, A. Vourros, E. Vasileiou, P. Sánchez, F. Dorado, and M. Stoukides |
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. |
2017 |
Electrochemical promotion of catalysis over Pd nanoparticles for CO2 reduction
Fan Cai, Dunfeng Gao, Hu Zhou, Guoxiong Wang, Ting He, Huimin Gong, Shu Miao, Fan Yang, Jianguo Wang and Xinhe Bao
Chem. Sci |
2017 |
Electrochemical vs. chemical promotion in the H2 production catalytic reactions
J. González-Cobosa, J.L. Valverdeb, and A.de Lucas-Consuegra
Intern. Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2017 |
Electrochemical promotion and characterization of PdZn alloy catalysts with K and Na ionic conductors for pure gaseous CO2 hydrogenation
| J. Díez-Ramírez, P. Sánchez, J.L. Valverde, F. Dorado |
J CO2 Utilization |
2016 |
High Faradaic Yields of Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity of Propane Oxidation at Pt-YSZ
| Palang Bumroongsakulsawat, Sopawan Yindee, Parichatr Vanalabhpatana, and Suttichai Assabumrungrat
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
2016 |
Applications of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) in catalysis
| M. N. Tsampas, F. M. Sapountzi and P. Vernoux |
Catal. Sci. Technol. |
2015 |
Porous, robust highly conducting Ni-YSZ thin film anodes prepared by magnetron sputtering at oblique angles for application as anodes and buffer layers in solid oxide fuel cells
| Francisco J. Garcia-Garcia, Francisco Yubero, Agustin R. González-Elipe, Stella P. Balomenou, Dimitris Tsiplakides, Ioanna Petrakopoulou, Richard M. Lambert |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
2015 |
Investigations of soot combustion on yttria-stabilized zirconia by environmental transmission electron microscopy (ETEM)
| A. Serve, T. Epicier, M. Aouine, F.J. Cadete Santos Aires, E. Obeid, M. Tsampas, K. Pajot, P. Vernoux |
Applied Catalysis A: General |
2015 |
La/Sr-based perovskites as soot oxidation catalysts for Gasoline Particulate Filters
| W.Y. Hernández, M.N. Tsampas, C. Zhao, A. Boreave, F. Bosselet, P. Vernoux |
Catalysis Today |
2015 |
Continuously regenerating Diesel Particulate Filters based on ionically conducting ceramics
| E. Obeid, L. Lizarraga, M.N. Tsampas, A. Cordier, A. Boréave, M.C. Steil, G. Blanchard, K. Pajot, P. Vernoux |
Journal of Catalysis |
2014 |
Isothermal catalytic oxidation of diesel soot on Yttria-stabilized Zirconia
| E. Obeid, M.N. Tsampas, S. Jonet, A. Boréave, L. Burel, M.C. Steil, G. Blanchard, K. Pajot, P. Vernoux |
Solid State Ionics |
2014 |
Investigation of the Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis origins on electrochemical catalysts with oxygen ion conductive supports: Isotopic labeling mechanistic studies
| M.N. Tsampas, F.M. Sapountzi, A. Boréave, P. Vernoux |
Solid State Ionics |
2014 |
Chapter 11 Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis for Automotive Post-Treatment and Air Cleaning
| Mihalis N. Tsampas, Philippe Vernoux |
New and Future Developments in Catalysis Catalysis for Remediation and Environmental Concerns |
2013 |
Pt-Cu electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation prepared by partial galvanic replacement of Cu/carbon powder precursors
| I. Mintsouli, J. Georgieva, S. Armyanov, E. Valova, G. Avdeev, A. Hubin, O. Steenhaut, J. Dille, D. Tsiplakides, S. Balomenou, S. Sotiropoulos |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2013 |
Isotopical labeling mechanistic studies of electrochemical promotion of propane combustion on Pt/YSZ
| M.N. Tsampas, F.M. Sapountzi, A. Boréave, P. Vernoux |
Electrochemistry Communications |
2013 |
N2O decomposition over doubly-promoted Pt(K)/Al2O3–(CeO2–La2O3) structured catalysts: On the combined effects of promotion and feed composition
| M. Konsolakis, F. Aligizou, G. Goula, I.V. Yentekakis |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
2013 |
Preparation and characterization of IrxPt1−xO2 anode electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
| Kalliopi M. Papazisi, Angeliki Siokou, Stella Balomenou, Dimitrios Tsiplakides |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
2012 |
Electrochemical promotion of catalysis with highly dispersed Pt nanoparticles
| A. Kambolis, L. Lizarraga, M.N. Tsampas, L. Burel, M. Rieu, J.-P. Viricelle, P. Vernoux |
Electrochemistry Communications |
2012 |
Support mediated promotional effects of rare earth oxides (CeO2 and La2O3) on N2O decomposition and N2O reduction by CO or C3H6 over Pt/Al2O3 structured catalysts
| M. Konsolakis, C. Drosou, I.V. Yentekakis |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2012 |
Long-term operation stability tests of intermediate and high temperature Ni-based anodes' SOFCs directly fueled with simulated biogas mixtures
| T. Papadam, G. Goula, I.V. Yentekakis |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
2012 |
Electrochemical Promotion of CH4 Combustion over a Pd/CeO2–YSZ Catalyst
| C. Jiménez-Borja, F. Dorado, A. de L.-Consuegra, J. M. G.-Vargas and J. L. Valverde |
Fuel Cells |
2011 |
A comparison between electrochemical and conventional catalyst promotion: The case of N2O reduction by alkanes or alkenes over K-modified Pd catalysts
| G. Pekridis, N. Kaklidis, M. Konsolakis, C. Athanasiou, I.V. Yentekakis, G.E. Marnellos |
Solid State Ionics |
2011 |
Electrochemical promotion of the water–gas shift reaction on Pt/YSZ
| S. Souentie, L. Lizarraga, A. Kambolis, M. Alves-Fortunato, J.L. Valverde, P. Vernoux |
Journal of Catalysis |
2011 |
An investigation of the role of Zr and La dopants into Ce1−x−yZrxLayOδ enriched γ-Al2O3 TWC washcoats
| A. Papavasiliou, A. Tsetsekou, V. Matsouka, M. Konsolakis, I.V. Yentekakis |
Applied Catalysis A: General |
2010 |
Electrochemically induced surface changes on microstructured Pt films on a Solid YSZ electrolyte
| J. Poppe, A. Schaak, J. Janek and R. Imbihl |
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie |
2010 |
Investigation of the “permanent” electrochemical promotion of catalysis (P-EPOC) by electrochemical mass spectrometry (EMS) measurements
| S. Souentie, C. Xia, C. Falgairette, Y.D. Li, Ch. Comninellis |
Electrochemistry Communications |
2010 |
Investigation of the CO oxidation rate oscillations using electrochemical promotion of catalysis over sputtered-Pt films interfaced with YSZ
| L. Lizarraga, S. Souentie, L. Mazri, A. Billard, P. Vernoux |
Electrochemistry Communications |
2010 |
Complete oxidation of methane on Pd/YSZ and Pd/CeO2/YSZ by electrochemical promotion
| Carmen Jiménez-Borja, Fernando Dorado, Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Jesús Manuel García-Vargas, José Luis Valverde |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
Use of potassium conductors in the electrochemical promotion of environmental catalysis
| Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Fernando Dorado, Carmen Jiménez-Borja, Angel Caravaca, Philippe Vernoux, José L. Valverde |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
Pt/K–βAl2O3 solid electrolyte cell as a “smart electrochemical catalyst” for the effective removal of NOx under wet reaction conditions
| Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Ángel Caravaca, Fernando Dorado, José L. Valverde |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
An electrochemically assisted NOx storage/reduction catalyst operating under fixed lean burn conditions
| A. de Lucas-Consuegra, A. Caravaca, M.J. Martín de Vidales, F. Dorado, S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, P. Vernoux, J.L. Valverde |
Catalysis Communications |
2009 |
Electrochemical promotion of propane deep oxidation on doped lanthanum manganites
| V. Roche, E. Siebert, M. C. Steil, J. P. Deloume, C. Roux, T. Pagnier, R. Revel, P. Vernoux |
Ionics |
2008 |
Electrochemical activation of Pt catalyst by potassium for low temperature CO deep oxidation
| Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Fernando Dorado, José Luis Valverde, Reda Karoum, Philippe Vernoux |
Catalysis Communications |
2008 |
Influence of the reaction conditions on the electrochemical promotion by potassium for the selective catalytic reduction of N2O by C3H6 on platinum
| Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Fernando Dorado, Carmen Jiménez-Borja, José L. Valverde |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2008 |
A new improvement of catalysis by solid-state electrochemistry: An electrochemically assisted NOx storage/reduction catalyst
| Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Ángel Caravaca, Paula Sánchez, Fernando Dorado, José L. Valverde |
Journal of Catalysis |
2008 |
Influence of the reaction temperature on the electrochemical promoted catalytic behaviour of platinum impregnated catalysts for the reduction of nitrogen oxides under lean burn conditions
| Fernando Dorado, Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Carmen Jiménez, José Luis Valverde |
Applied Catalysis A: General |
2007 |
Electrochemical promotion of platinum impregnated catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by propene in presence of oxygen
| Fernando Dorado, Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Philippe Vernoux, José L. Valverde |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2007 |
Low-temperature propene combustion over Pt/K-βAl2O3 electrochemical catalyst: Characterization, catalytic activity measurements, and investigation of the NEMCA effect
| Antonio de Lucas-Consuegra, Fernando Dorado, José Luis Valverde, Reda Karoum, Philippe Vernoux |
Journal of Catalysis |
2007 |
The effect of potassium on the Ir/C3H6+NO+O2 catalytic system
| G. Goula, P. Katzourakis, N. Vakakis, T. Papadam, M. Konsolakis, M. Tikhov, I.V. Yentekakis |
Catalysis Today |
2007 |
Effect of microstructure on the electrochemical behavior of Pt/YSZ electrodes
| A. Jaccoud, G. Fóti, R. Wüthrich, H. Jotterand, Ch. Comninellis
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Promotional effects on a PtRu/C catalyst-electrode interfaced with aqueous electrolytes: electrochemical metal support interaction (EMSI) and electrochemical promotion of catalysis (EPOC)
| D. Labo, S. G. Neophytides |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Electrochemical promotion of catalytic reactions with Pt/C (or Pt/Ru/C)//PBI catalysts
| Irina M. Petrushina, Niels J. Bjerrum, Victor A. Bandur, Lars N. Cleemann |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
NO reduction by propene or CO over alkali-promoted Pd/YSZ catalysts
| M. Konsolakis, I.V. Yentekakis |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
2007 |
In situ imaging of electrode processes on solid electrolytes by photoelectron microscopy and microspectroscopy – the role of the three-phase boundary
| J. Janek, B. Luerßen, E. Mutoro, H. Fischer, S. Günther |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Electrochemical catalysts for hydrocarbon combustion
| A. Billard, P. Vernoux |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Electrochemical promotion in O2− cells during propane oxidation
| C. Kokkofitis, G. Karagiannakis, M. Stoukides |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Impedance spectroscopic investigation of a Rh/YSZ catalyst under polarization
E. A. Baranova, G. Fóti, H. Jotterand, Ch. Comninellis |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Electrochemical modification of the catalytic activity of TiO2/YSZ supported rhodium films
| E. A. Baranova, G. Fóti, H. Jotterand, Ch. Comninellis |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
In situ electrochemical modification of catalytic activity for propane combustion of Pt/β′′-Al2O3 catalyst-electrodes
| N. Kotsionopoulos, S. Bebelis |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
On the work function changes and other properties of the gas-exposed electrode surface in the NEMCA effect
| E. P. M. Leiva |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Spectroscopic evidence for the mode of action of alkali promoters in Pt-catalyzed de-NOx chemistry
| S. Koukiou, M. Konsolakis, R.M. Lambert, I.V. Yentekakis |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2007 |
Electrochemical promotion of catalysis controlled by chemical potential difference across a mixed ionic-electronic conducting ceramic membrane – an example of wireless NEMCA
| D. Poulidi, A. Thursfield, I. S. Metcalfe |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Investigations under real operating conditions of the electrochemical promotion by O2 temperature programmed desorption measurements
| X. Li, F. Gaillard, P. Vernoux |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Electrochemically promoted olefin isomerization reactions at polymer electrolyte fuel cell membrane electrode assemblies
| Maria Salazar, Eugene S. Smotkin |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2006 |
n-situ-Abbildung elektrochemisch erzeugten Spillover-Sauerstoffs auf Pt/YSZ-Katalysatoren
| Bjoern Luerßen, Eva Mutoro, Holger Fischer, Sebastian Günther, Ronald Imbihl and Jürgen Janek |
Angewandte Chemie |
2006 |
Novel doubly-promoted catalysts for the lean NOx reduction by H2+CO: Pd(K)/Al2O3–(TiO2)
| M. Konsolakis, M. Vrontaki, G. Avgouropoulos, T. Ioannides, I.V. Yentekakis |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2006 |
Influence of the thickness of sputter-deposited platinum films on the electrochemical promotion of propane combustion
| A. Billard, P. Vernoux |
Ionics |
2005 |
Electrochemical Promotion by Potassium of Rh-Catalysed Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis at High Pressure
| Andrew J. Urquhart, Federico J. Williams, Richard M. Lambert |
Catalysis Letters |
2005 |
Impact of the support on the heat of adsorption of the linear CO species on Pt-containing catalysts
| Prisca Pillonel, Salim Derrouiche, Abdennour Bourane, François Gaillard, Philippe Vernoux, Daniel Bianchi |
Applied Catalysis A: General |
2005 |
Electrochemical promotion of the oxidation of propane on Pt/YSZ and Rh/YSZ catalyst-electrodes
| N. Kotsionopoulos, S. Bebelis |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2005 |
A comparative study of the C3H6+NO+O2, C3H6+O2 and NO+O2 reactions in excess oxygen over Na-modified Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalysts
| I.V. Yentekakis, V. Tellou, G. Botzolaki, I.A. Rapakousios |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2005 |
Relation between potential and catalytic activity of rhodium in propylene combustion
| G. Fóti, I. Bolzonella, D. Bachelin, CH. Comninellis |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2004 |
NEMCA effect: why are the work function changes of the gas exposed catalyst-electrode surface one-to-one related to the changes in the catalyst working electrode potential?
| Ezequiel P. M. Leiva, C. G. Sánchez |
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry |
2003 |
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by propene on Pt/YSZ
| B. Béguin, F. Gaillard, M. Primet, P. Vernoux, L. Bultel, M. Hénault, C. Roux, E. Siebert |
Ionics |
2002 |
Kinetics of the O2, Pt/YSZ interface at moderate temperature in the presence of C3H8 in the gas phase
| L. Bultel, M. Hénault, C. Roux, E. Siebert, B. Béguin, F. Gaillard, M. Primet, P. Vernoux |
Ionics |
2002 |
Electrochemical promotion of Pt during the oxidation of ethanol
| S. Douvartzides, K. Kyriakopoulos, P Tsiakaras |
Ionics |
2001 |
Strong promotional effects of Li, K, Rb and Cs on the Pt-catalysed reduction of NO by propene
| M Konsolakis, I.V Yentekakis |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2001 |
Optimal promotion by rubidium of the CO + NO reaction over Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalysts
| M Konsolakis, I.V Yentekakis, A Palermo, R.M Lambert |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2001 |
Triply‐promoted ethene epoxidation: NOx promotion of the Ag‐catalysed reaction in the presence of alkali and chlorine under electrochemical control
| Alejandra Palermo, Alifiya Husain, Richard M. Lambert |
Catalysis Letters |
2000 |
A study of sodium promotion in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: electrochemical control of a ruthenium model catalyst
| Federico J. Williams, Richard M. Lambert |
Catalysis Letters |
2000 |
Electrochemical promotion of Rh catalyst in gas-phase reduction of NO by propylene
| G. Fóti, O. Lavanchy, Ch. Comninellis |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2000 |
In situ controlled electrochemical promotion of catalyst surfaces: Pd-catalysed ethylene oxidation
| K. Yiokari, S. Bebelis |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2000 |
Successful application of electrochemical promotion to the design of effective conventional catalyst formulations
| I.V Yentekakis, M Konsolakis, R.M Lambert, A Palermo, M Tikhov |
Solid State Ionics |
2000 |
Modelling alkali promotion in heterogeneous catalysis: in situ electrochemical control of catalytic reactions
| Richard M. Lambert, Federico Williams, Alejandra Palermo, Mintcho S. Tikhov |
Topics in Catalysis |
2000 |
Extraordinarily effective promotion by sodium in emission control catalysis: NO reduction by propene over Na-promoted Pt/γ-Al2O3
| I.V Yentekakis, M Konsolakis, R.M Lambert, N Macleod, L Nalbantian |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
1999 |
Electrochemically induced surface changes on microstructured Pt films on a Solid YSZ electrolyte
| J. Poppe, A. Schaak, J. Janek and R. Imbihl |
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. |
1998 |
Electrochemical promotion of IrO2 catalyst activity for the gas phase combustion of ethylene
| J. Nicole, CH. Comninellis |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
1998 |
Electrochemical Promotion in Emission Control Catalysis: The Role of Na for the Pt-Catalysed Reduction of NO by Propene
| M.S. Tikhov, N.C. Filkin, R.M. Lambert, I.V. Yentekakis, A. Palermo |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1998 |
Promotion by Sodium in Emission Control Catalysis: A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study of the Pd-Catalyzed Reduction of NO by Propene
| I.V. Yentekakis, R.M. Lambert, M.S. Tikhov, M. Konsolakis, V. Kiousis |
Journal of Catalysis |
1998 |
The effect of sodium on the Pd-catalyzed reduction of NO by methane
| I.V Yentekakis, R.M Lambert, M Konsolakis, V Kiousis |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
1998 |
Non-Faradaic catalysis: the case of CO oxidation over Ag-Pd alloy electrode in a solid oxide electrolyte cell
| T.I. Politova, V.V. Gal'vita, V.D. Belyaev, V.A. Sobyanin |
Catalysis Letters |
1997 |
A solid electrolyte potentiometry aided study of the catalytic reduction of nitric oxide by ammonia on a vanadia/titania catalyst
| J. Brück, H. -G. Lintz |
Ionics |
1995 |
On the origin of the non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity (NEMCA) phenomena. Oxygen isotope exchange on Pt electrode in cell with solid oxide electrolyte
| V. A. Sobyanin, V. I. Sobolev, V. D. Belyaev, O. A. Mar'ina, A. K. Demin, A. S. Lipilin |
Catalysis Letters |
1993 |
The effect of electrochemical oxygen pumping on the rate of CO oxidation on Au electrode-catalyst
| O. A. Mar'ina, V. A. Sobyanin |
Catalysis Letters |
1992 |
NEMCA: Methane oxidation on Pt |
P. Tsiakaras and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Science Forum |
1991 |