Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Hydrogenation Using a Pt/YSZ Fuel Cell Type Reactor
| Andriana Lymperi, Christos Chatzilias, Fotios Xydas, Eftychia Martino, Georgios Kyriakou and
Alexandros Katsaounis
Nanomaterials |
2023 |
Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Hydrogenation Using Rh Catalysts Supported on O2− Conducting Solid Electrolyte
Nikoleta Kokkinou, Fotios Xydas, Susanne Brosda, Georgios Kyriakou and Alexandros Katsaounis
Catalysts |
2023 |
Kinetic study of CO2 hydrogenation on Ru/ YSZ catalyst using a monolithic electropromoted reactor (MEPR)
| C. Chatzilias, E. Martino, S. Tsatsos, G. Kyriakou, A. Katsaounis, C.G.Vayenas |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
10 |
2022 |
A low temperature SOFC as a self-promoted reactor for CO2 catalytic hydrogenation
| Ch. Chatzilias, E. Martino, C.G. Vayenas, G. Kyriakou, A. Katsaounis |
Appl.Catal. B |
2022 |
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Promotion of Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed Dehydration Reactions over Molybdenum Oxide
| Alexander A. Khechfe, Mark M. Sullivan, Dimitrios Zagoraios, Alexandros Katsaounis, Constantinos G. Vayenas, Yuriy Román-Leshkov |
ACS Catal. |
8 |
2022 |
The role of the promoting ionic species in electrochemical promotion and in metal-support interactions
| D. Grigoriou, D. Zagoraios, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2021 |
Tuning the RWGS Reaction via EPOC and in Situ Electro-oxidation of Cobalt Nanoparticles
| Dimitrios Zagoraios, Sotirios Tsatsos, Stella Kennou, Constantinos G. Vayenas, Georgios Kyriakou and Alexandros Katsaounis
ACS Catalysis |
12 |
2020 |
Effect of Carbon Support on the Electrocatalytic Properties of Pt-Ru Catalysts
| Bjorn Hasa, Eftychia Martino, John Vakros, GeorgeTrakakis, Costas Galiotis,and Alexandros Katsaounis |
ChemElectroChem |
2019 |
Hybrid graphene nanoplatelet/manganese oxide electrodes for solid-state supercapacitors and application to carbon fiber composite multifunctional materials
| A. Masouras, D. Giannopoulos, B. Hasa, A. Katsaounis, V. Kostopoulos
Journal of Energy Storage |
2019 |
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation over nanodispersed Pd/Co-3O4 catalysts
| D. Zagoraios, A. Athanasiadi, I. Kalaitzidou, S. Ntais, A. Katsaounis, A. Caravaca, P. Vernoux, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2019 |
The role of the promoting ionic species in Electrochemical Promotion and in Metal-Support Interactions
| D. Grigoriou, D. Zagoraios, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas
Catalysis Today |
2019 |
Electrochemical promotion of nanodispersed Ru-Co catalysts for the hydrogenation of CO2
| A. Kotsiras, I. Kalaitzidou, D. Grigoriou, A. Symillidis, M. Makri, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas
Appl. Catal. B |
2018 |
Steady State Multiplicities in Low Temperature PEM Fuel Cells
| E. Martino, A. Gusev, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas |
Materials Today: Proceedings
2018 |
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on Pd nanoparticles deposited on YSZ
| I. Kalaitzidou, D. Zagoraios, S. Brosda, A. Katsaounis, P. Vernoux and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Today: Proceedings |
2018 |
Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Reduction on a Dispersed Ru/YSZ Catalyst Supported on YSZ Solid Electrolyte
| M. Makri, A. Symillidis, D. Grigoriou, A. Katsaounis and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Today: Proceedings |
2018 |
Electrochemical promotion of carbon supported Pt, Rh and Pd catalysts for H2 oxidation in aqueous alkaline media
M. Athanasiou, B. Hasa, Bjorn, J. Vakros, L. Sygellou, A. Katsaounis
J Chem Technol and Biotechnol
2018 |
The Effect of Polarization and Reaction Mixture on the Rh/YSZ Oxidation State During Ethylene Oxidation Studied by Near Ambient Pressure XPS
| A. Katsaounis, D. Teschner, S. Zafeiratos |
Topics in Catalysis |
2018 |
The Effect of Polarization and Reaction Mixture on the Rh/YSZ Oxidation State During Ethylene Oxidation Studied by Near Ambient Pressure XPS
| A. Katsaounis, D. Teschner, and S. Zafeiratos |
Topics in Catalysis |
2018 |
Experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of triode PEM fuel cells
| E. Martino, G. Koilias, M. Athanasiou, A. Katsaounis, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, C.G. Vayenas |
Electrochimica Acta |
2017 |
Electrochemical treatment of biologically pre-treated dairy wastewater using dimensionally stable anodes
| V. Markou, M.C. Kontogianni, Z. Frontistis, A.G. Tekerlekopoulou, A. Katsaounis, D. Vayenas |
J Environ. Management |
2017 |
Boron-doped diamond electrooxidation of ethyl paraben: The effect of electrolyte on by-products distribution and mechanisms
| Z. Frontistis, M. Antonopoulou, M. Yazirdagi, Z. Kilinc, I. Konstantinou, A. Katsaounis, D. Mantzavinos |
J Environ. Management |
2017 |
Investigation of Advanced Components in a High Pressure Single-Cell Electrolyser for the Development of a HP-PEM-ELY Stack as Part of a Regenerative Fuel Cell System
| D.K. Niakolas, S. Neophytides,C.G. Vayenas, A. Katsaounis, N. Athanasopoulos, S. Balomenou, K.M. Papazisi, D. Tsiplakides, M. Schautz
E3S Web of Conferences
2017 |
Comparative study of the electrochemical promotion of CO2 hydrogenation on Ru using Na+, K+, H+ and O2 − conducting solid electrolytes
| I. Kalaitzidou, M. Makri, D. Theleritis, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas |
Surface Science |
2016 |
Fuel cells are a commercially viable alternative for the production of “clean” energy"
| D. K. Niakolas, M. Daletou, S.G. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas |
Ambio |
2016 |
Effect of TiO2 Loading on Pt-Ru Catalysts During Alcohol Electrooxidation
| B. Hasa, E. Kalamaras, E. I. Papaioannou, J. Vakros, L. Sygellou, A. Katsaounis |
Electrochimica Acta |
2015 |
Electrochemical promotion of CO2 hydrogenation on Ru catalyst–electrodes supported on a K-β"-Αl2O3 solid electrolyte
| M. Makri, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas,
Electrochimica Acta |
2015 |
Electrochemical promotion of the hydrogenation of CO2 on Ru deposited on a BZY proton conductor
| I. Kalaitzidou, A. Katsaounis, T. Norby, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
2015 |
Comparative Study of the Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Hydrogenation over Ru-Supported Catalysts using Electronegative and Electropositive Promoters Authors
| D. Theleritis, M. Makri, S. Souentie, A. Caravaca, A. Katsaounis and C.G. Vayenas |
ChemElectroChem |
2014 |
Organic Pollutants in Water Using DSA Electrodes, In-Cell Mediated (via Active Chlorine) Electrochemical Oxidation
| Alexandros Katsaounis, Stamatios Souentie |
Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry |
2014 |
Electron donation – backdonation and the rules of catalytic promotion
| Costas G. Vayenas and Susanne Brosda
Topics in Catalysis |
2014 |
Electrochemical promotion of propane oxidation over Pd, Ir, and Ru catalyst-electrodes deposited on YSZ
| S. Peng-ont, S. Souentie, S. Assabumrungrat, P. Praserthdam, S. Brosda, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
2013 |
Enhanced electropromotion of methane combustion on palladium catalysts deposited on highly porous supports
| F. Matei, C. Jiménez-Borja, J. Canales-Vázquez, S. Brosda, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, D. Ciuparu |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2013 |
Reaction Kinetic-Induced Changes in the Electrochemically Promoted C2H4 Oxidation on Pt/YSZ
| S. Peng-ont, S. Souentie, S. Assabumrungrat, P. Praserthdam, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Letters |
2013 |
Pt–Ir Binary Electrodes for Direct Oxidation of Methanol in Low-Temperature Fuel Cells (DMFCs)
| E. I. Papaioannou, A. Siokou, Ch. Comninellis, A. Katsaounis |
Electrocatalysis |
2013 |
Electrochemical oxidation of alcohols on Pt–TiO2 binary electrodes
| Bjorn Hasa, Evangelos Kalamaras, Evangelos I. Papaioannou, Labrini Sygellou, Alexandros Katsaounis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
2013 |
Mathematical modeling of Ni/GDC and Au–Ni/GDC SOFC anodes performance under internal methane steam reforming conditions
| S. Souentie, M. Athanasiou, D.K. Niakolas, A. Katsaounis, S.G. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
2013 |
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on impregnated and sputtered Pd catalyst-electrodes deposited on YSZ
| F. Matei, D. Ciuparu, C. Jiménez-Borja, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, S. Brosda |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2012 |
Reprint of: Electrochemical oxidation of stabilized landfill leachate on DSA electrodes
| Elisabetta Turro, Apostolos Giannis, Raffaello Cossu, Evangelos Gidarakos, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Alexandros Katsaounis |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
2012 |
Anodic oxidation of textile dyehouse effluents on boron-doped diamond electrode
| Eleni Tsantaki, Theodora Velegraki, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dionissios Mantzavinos |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
2012 |
Effects of carbonate on the electrolytic removal of ammonia and urea from urine with thermally prepared IrO2 electrodes
| Véronique Amstutz, Alexandros Katsaounis, Agnieszka Kapalka, Christos Comninellis, Kai M. Udert |
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry |
2012 |
Oscillatory behavior of Rh/YSZ under electropromoted conditions
| C. Jiménez-Borja, A. de Lucas-Consuegra, F. Sapountzi, F. Dorado, A. Katsaounis, J.L. Valverde |
Chemical Physics Letters |
2012 |
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on Pd catalyst-electrodes deposited on Y2O3-stabilized-ZrO2
| C. Jiménez-Borja, S. Brosda, F. Matei, M. Makri, B. Delgado, F. Sapountzi, D. Ciuparu, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, C.G. Vayenas |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2012 |
Triode operation of CO poisoned PEM fuel cells: Fixed and cyclic potential triode operation
| M.N. Tsampas, F.M. Sapountzi, S. Divane, E.I. Papaioannou, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2012 |
Methane oxidation on Pd/YSZ by electrochemical promotion
| C. Jiménez-Borja, S. Brosda, M. Makri, F. Sapountzi, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2012 |
Hydrogenation of CO2 over Ru/YSZ Electropromoted Catalysts
| D. Theleritis, S. Souentie, A. Siokou, A. Katsaounis, and C. G. Vayenas
ACS Catal. |
2012 |
Electrochemical oxidation of stabilized landfill leachate on DSA electrodes
| Elisabetta Turro, Apostolos Giannis, Raffaello Cossu, Evangelos Gidarakos, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Alexandros Katsaounis |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
2011 |
Degradation of Reactive Red 120 using hydrogen peroxide in subcritical water
| Vasileia M. Daskalaki, Eleni S. Timotheatou, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dimitrios Kalderis |
Desalination |
2011 |
Solar light-induced degradation of bisphenol-A with TiO2 immobilized on Ti
| Vasileia M. Daskalaki, Zacharias Frontistis, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Alexandros Katsaounis |
Catalysis Today |
2011 |
Electrochemical promotion of the CO2 hydrogenation reaction on composite Ni or Ru impregnated carbon nanofiber catalyst-electrodes deposited on YSZ
| Vicente Jiménez, Carmen Jiménez-Borja, Paula Sánchez, Amaya Romero, Evangelos I. Papaioannou, Demetrios Theleritis, Stamatios Souentie, Susanne Brosda, José Luis Valverde |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2011 |
Electrochemical enhancement of solar photocatalysis: Degradation of endocrine disruptor bisphenol-A on Ti/TiO2 films
| Zacharias Frontistis, Vasileia M. Daskalaki, Alexandros Katsaounis, Ioannis Poulios, Dionissios Mantzavinos |
Water Research |
2011 |
Electrochemical oxidation of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) on thermally and electrochemically prepared IrO2 electrodes
| Agnieszka Kapałka, Stéphane Fierro, Zacharias Frontistis, Alexandros Katsaounis, Stefano Neodo, Olivier Frey, Nico de Rooij, Kai M. Udert, Christos Comninellis |
Electrochimica Acta |
2011 |
BDD anodic oxidation as tertiary wastewater treatment for the removal of emerging micro-pollutants, pathogens and organic matter
| Zacharias Frontistis, Christina Brebou,Danae Venieri,Dionissios Mantzavinos and Alexandros Katsaounis
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology |
2011 |
The role of Nafion content in sputtered IrO2 based anodes for low temperature PEM water electrolysis
| F.M. Sapountzi, S.C. Divane, E.I. Papaioannou, S. Souentie, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry |
2011 |
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of fully hydrated Nafion membranes at high and low hydrogen partial pressures
| M.N. Tsampas, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas |
Electrochimica Acta |
2011 |
Electrochemical promotion of the SO2 oxidation over thin Pt films interfaced with YSZ in a monolithic electropromoted reactor
| A. Hammad, S. Souentie, E.I. Papaioannou, S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, J.C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, C.J. Pereira |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2011 |
Enhanced performance of CO poisoned proton exchange membrane fuel cells via triode operation
| F.M. Sapountzi, S.C. Divane, M.N. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas |
Electrochimica Acta |
2011 |
Study of the Mechanism of the Electrochemical Promotion of Rh/YSZ Catalysts for C2H4 Oxidation Via AC Impedance Spectroscopy
| S. Brosda, T. Badas, C. G. Vayenas |
Topics in Catalysis |
2011 |
Electrochemical oxidation of benzoic acid in water over boron-doped diamond electrodes: Statistical analysis of key operating parameters, kinetic modeling, reaction by-products and ecotoxicity
| Theodora Velegraki, George Balayiannis, Evan Diamadopoulos, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dionissios Mantzavinos |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
2010 |
Anodic oxidation of phenol on Ti/IrO2 electrode: Experimental studies
| Efthalia Chatzisymeon, Stéphane Fierro, Iasson Karafyllis, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Nicolas Kalogerakis, Alexandros Katsaounis |
Catalysis Today |
2010 |
Effectiveness factor of isopropanol oxidation on IrO2 based electrodes of different loading
| Erika Herrera Calderon, John Hahladakis, György Foti, Alexandros Katsaounis |
Electrochimica Acta |
2010 |
Ammonia oxidation to nitrogen mediated by electrogenerated active chlorine on Ti/PtOx-IrO2
| Agnieszka Kapałka, Alexandros Katsaounis, Nina-Luisa Michels, Anna Leonidova, Stamatis Souentie, Christos Comninellis, Kai M. Udert |
Electrochemistry Communications |
2010 |
DSA electrochemical treatment of olive mill wastewater on Ti/RuO2 anode
| N. Papastefanakis, D. Mantzavinos, A. Katsaounis |
2010 |
Electrochemical degradation of Reactive Red 120 using DSA and BDD anodes
| T. Panakoulias, P. Kalatzis, D. Kalderis, A. Katsaounis |
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry |
2010 |
Permanent electrochemical promotion of C3H8 oxidation over thin sputtered Pt films
| S. Souentie, L. Lizarraga, E.I. Papaioannou, C.G. Vayenas, P. Vernoux |
Electrochemistry Communications |
2010 |
Electrochemical promotion of Pt(111)/YSZ(111) and Pt–FeOx/YSZ(111) thin catalyst films: Electrocatalytic, catalytic and morphological studies
| E. Mutoro, C. Koutsodontis, B. Luerssen, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas, J. Janek |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2010 |
The role of TiO2 layers deposited on YSZ on the electrochemical promotion of C2H4 oxidation on Pt
| E. I. Papaioannou, S. Souentie, F. M. Sapountzi, A. Hammad, D. Labou, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas |
J. Applied Electrochem.
2010 |
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on Rh/YSZ
| A. Nakos, S. Souentie, A. Katsaounis |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2010 |
Temperature dependence of electrochemically promoted NO reduction by C3H6 under stoichiometric conditions using Me/YSZ/Au (Me=Rh, RhPt, Pt) electrochemical catalysts
| Y. Sakamoto, K. Okumura, H. Shinjoh, M. Lepage, S. Brosda |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
Nickel-Zirconia Anode Degradation and Triple Phase Boundary Quantification from microstructural Analysis
| A. Faes, A. Hessler-Wyser, D. Presvytes, C.G. Vayenas, J. Van Herle
Fuel Cells |
2009 |
Electrochemical behaviour of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) on electrochemically grown anodic iridium oxide film (AIROF) electrode
| Agnieszka Kapałka, Stéphane Fierro, Zacharias Frontistis, Alexandros Katsaounis, Olivier Frey, Milena Koudelka, Christos Comninellis, Kai M. Udert |
Electrochemistry Communications |
2009 |
Boron-doped diamond anodic treatment of olive mill wastewaters: Statistical analysis, kinetic modeling and biodegradability
| Efthalia Chatzisymeon, Nikolaos P. Xekoukoulotakis, Evan Diamadopoulos, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dionissios Mantzavinos |
Water Research |
2009 |
ELECTROCHEMICAL THEORY | Non Faraday Electrochemical Modification of Catalysts Activity
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Brosda |
Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources |
2009 |
Electrochemical promotion of CO conversion to CO2 in PEM fuel cell PROX reactor
| F.M. Sapountzi, M.N. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
Electrochemical promotion of the CO2 hydrogenation reaction using thin Rh, Pt and Cu films in a monolithic reactor at atmospheric pressure
| E.I. Papaioannou, S. Souentie, A. Hammad, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
Steady-state multiplicity phenomena during the electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C2H4 in presence of O2 on thin Rh and Pt catalyst-electrodes in a monolithic electropromoted reactor
| S. Souentie, A. Hammad, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
Electrochemical promotion of CO oxidation on Pt/YSZ: The effect of catalyst potential on the induction of highly active stationary and oscillatory states
| M.N. Tsampas, F.M. Sapountzi, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2009 |
Non-Faradaic electrochemical activation of catalysis
| Costas G. Vayenas and Costas G. Koutsodontis
J. Chem. Phys. |
2008 |
Temperature programmed desorption of oxygen from Pd films interfaced with Y2O3-doped ZrO2
| A. Katsaounis |
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry |
2008 |
Electrochemical promotion of the CO2 hydrogenation on Pd/YSZ and Pd/β″-Al2O3 catalyst-electrodes
| S. Bebelis, H. Karasali, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2008 |
Tailor-structured skeletal Pt catalysts employed in a monolithic electropromoted reactor
| A. Hammad, S. Souentie, S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, J. C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, C. J. Pereira, C. G. Vayenas |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2008 |
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C2H4 in 10% O2 using a monolithic electropromoted reactor with Rh/YSZ/Pt elements
| S. Souentie, A. Hammad, S. Brosda, G. Foti, C.G. Vayenas |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2008 |
NO reduction performance of Rh paste catalyst on YSZ under steady state and forced oscillation electropromotion conditions
| S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2008 |
Electrochemical promotion of CO2 hydrogenation on Rh/YSZ electrodes
| S. Bebelis, H. Karasali, C.G. Vayenas |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
2008 |
Electrochemical Promotion of NO Reduction by C2H4 in Excess O2 Using a Monolithic Electropromoted Reactor and Pt–Rh Sputtered Electrodes
| C. Koutsodontis, A. Hammad, M. Lepage, Y. Sakamoto, G. Fóti, C. G. Vayenas |
Topics in Catalysis |
2008 |
Mathematical modeling of the operation of SOFC Nickel-cermet anodes
| D. Presvytes, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
2007 |
Methanol reformate treatment in a PEM fuel cell-reactor
| F.M. Sapountzi, M.N. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2007 |
First principles analytical prediction of the conductivity of Nafion membranes
| C.G. Vayenas, M.N. Tsampas, A. Katsaounis |
Electrochimica Acta |
2007 |
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 on Rh catalyst-electrode films supported on YSZ and on dispersed Rh/YSZ catalysts
| I. Constantinou, D. Archonta, S. Brosda, M. Lepage, Y. Sakamoto, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
2007 |
Absolute potential measurements in solid and aqueous electrochemistry using two Kelvin probes and their implications for the electrochemical promotion of catalysis
| D. Tsiplakides, D. Archonta, C. G. Vayenas |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Electrochemical promotion in a monolith electrochemical plate reactor applied to simulated and real automotive pollution control
| S..P. Balomenou, D.s Tsiplakides, C. G. Vayenas, S. Poulston, V. Houel, P. Collier, A.G. Konstandopoulos, C. Agrafiotis |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Electrocatalysis and electrochemical promotion of CO oxidation in PEM fuel cells: the role of oxygen crossover
| F. Sapountzi, M. N. Tsampas, C. G. Vayenas |
Topics in Catalysis |
2007 |
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of the catalytic activity for propane combustion of Pt/YSZ and Rh/YSZ catalyst-electrodes
| S. Bebelis, N. Kotsionopoulos |
Solid State Ionics |
2006 |
Proton and electron wave-particles in chemical and physical environments
| Costas G. Vayenas, Alexandros D. Katsaounis |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2006 |
The effect of membrane thickness on the conductivity of Nafion
| M.N. Tsampas, A. Pikos, S. Brosda, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas |
Electrochimica Acta |
2006 |
Potential-dependent electrolyte resistance and steady-state multiplicities of PEM fuel cells
| A. Katsaounis, M. Tsampas, S.P. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2006 |
Triode fuel cells
| S.P. Balomenou, F. Sapountzi, D. Presvytes, M. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2006 |
STM observation of the origin of electrochemical promotion on metal catalyst-electrodes interfaced with YSZ and β″-Al2O3
| D. Archonta, A. Frantzis, D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2006 |
Monolithic electrochemically promoted reactors: A step for the practical utilization of electrochemical promotion
| S.P. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, A. Katsaounis, S. Brosda, A. Hammad, G. Fóti, Ch. Comninellis, S. Thiemann-Handler, B. Cramer, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2006 |
Rules of chemical promotion
| S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas, J. Wei |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2006 |
The effect of catalyst film thickness on the magnitude of the electrochemical promotion of catalytic reactions
| C. Koutsodontis, A. Katsaounis, J. C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, Carmo J. Pereira, C. G. Vayenas
Topics in Catalysis |
2006 |
The effect of catalyst film thickness on the electrochemical promotion of ethylene oxidation on Pt
| C. Koutsodontis, A. Katsaounis, J. C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, C. Pereira, C. G. Vayenas |
Topics in Catalysis |
2006 |
Electrochemical promotion of RuO2 catalysts for the combustion of toluene and ethylene
| I. Constantinou, I. Bolzonella, C. Pliangos, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Letters |
2005 |
Electrochemically Induced Oscillations of C2H4 Oxidation Over Thin Sputtered Rh Catalyst Films
| E. A. Baranova, A. Thursfield, S. Brosda, G. Fóti, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Letters |
2005 |
Electrochemical promotion of catalysis: mechanistic investigations and monolithic electropromoted reactors
| D. Tsiplakides, S. Balomenou, A. Katsaounis, D. Archonta, C. Koutsodontis, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
2005 |
The role of potential-dependent electrolyte resistance in the performance, steady-state multiplicities and oscillations of PEM fuel cells: Experimental investigation and macroscopic modelling
| A. Katsaounis, S.P. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, M. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas |
Electrochimica Acta |
2005 |
Proton tunneling-induced bistability, oscillations and enhanced performance of PEM fuel cells
| A. Katsaounis, S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, S. Brosda, S. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2005 |
Electrochemical Promotion of Ethylene Oxidation over Rh Catalyst Thin Films Sputtered on YSZ and TiO2/YSZ Supports
| E. A. Baranova, A. Thursfield, S. Brosda, G. Fóti, Ch. Comninellis, and C. G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
2005 |
Thermodynamic analysis of the electrochemical promotion of catalysis
| C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2004 |
Novel monolithic electrochemically promoted catalytic reactor for environmentally important reactions
| S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, A. Katsaounis, S. Thiemann-Handler, B. Cramer, G. Foti, Ch. Comninellis, C.G. Vayenas |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
2004 |
Comparative isotope-aided investigation of electrochemical promotion and metal–support interactions 1. 18O2 TPD of electropromoted Pt films deposited on YSZ and of dispersed Pt/YSZ catalysts
| A. Katsaounis, Z. Nikopoulou, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
2004 |
Comparative isotope-aided investigation of electrochemical promotion and metal–support interactions 2. CO oxidation by 18O2 on electropromoted Pt films deposited on YSZ and on nanodispersed Pt/YSZ catalysts
| A. Katsaounis, Z. Nikopoulou, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
2004 |
Triode Fuel Cells and Batteries
| Stella P. Balomenou and Constantinos G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
2004 |
Successful scale up of gas recycle reactor–separators for the production of C2H4 from CH4
| Maria Makri, Costas G Vayenas |
Applied Catalysis A: General |
2003 |
Fermi level and potential distribution in solid electrolyte cells with and without ion spillover
| Ilan Riess, Costas G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2003 |
Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of the origin of electrochemical promotion and metal–support interactions
| C.G. Vayenas, D. Archonta, D. Tsiplakides |
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry |
2003 |
Electrochemical promotion of an oxidation reaction using a proton conductor
| A. Thursfield, S. Brosda, C. Pliangos, T. Schober, C.G. Vayenas |
Electrochimica Acta |
2003 |
The double-layer approach to promotion, electrocatalysis, electrochemical promotion, and metal–support interactions
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Brosda, C. Pliangos |
Journal of Catalysis |
2003 |
Electrochemical promotion: experiment, rules and mathematical modeling
| C. Vayenas, S. Brosda |
Solid State Ionics |
2002 |
Electrochemical promotion of conventional and bipolar reactor configurations for NO reduction
| C. Pliangos, C. Raptis, I. Bolzonella, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
2002 |
Rules and Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical and Classical Promotion 2. Modeling
| S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
2002 |
The absolute potential scale in solid state electrochemistry
| D Tsiplakides, C.G Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2002 |
Investigation of the state of the electrochemically generated adsorbed O species on Au films interfaced with Y2O3-doped-ZrO2
| D. Tsiplakides, S. G. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
2001 |
Spillover-modified catalysis: Experimental rules and mathematical modeling
| C. Vayenas, S. Brosda |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
2001 |
Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical Promotion and of Metal−Support Interactions
C. G. Vayenas and G. E. Pitselis
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. |
2001 |
Characterization of hydrotreating catalysts using the principal component analysis
| N Pasadakis, C Yiokari, N Varotsis, C Vayenas |
Applied Catalysis A: General |
2001 |
Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde with 50% yield in a continuous recycle reactor separator (CRRS)
| I.C. Bafas, I.E. Constantinou, C.G. Vayenas
Chemical Engineering Journal |
2001 |
Rules and Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical and Chemical Promotion 1. Reaction Classification and Promotional Rules
| C.G Vayenas, S Brosda, C Pliangos |
Journal of Catalysis |
2001 |
Electrochemical Promotion and Metal–Support Interactions
| J Nicole, D Tsiplakides, C Pliangos, X.E Verykios, Ch Comninellis, C.G Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
2001 |
Electrode Work Function and Absolute Potential Scale in Solid-State Electrochemistry
| D. Tsiplakides and C.G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
2001 |
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 and CO on Rh/YSZ catalyst — Electrodes
| C. Pliangos, C. Raptis, Th. Badas, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
2000 |
High-Pressure Electrochemical Promotion of Ammonia Synthesis over an Industrial Iron Catalyst
| C.G. Yiokari , G.E. Pitselis , D.G. Polydoros , A.D. Katsaounis , and C.G. Vayenas |
J. Phys. Chem. A |
2000 |
On the work function of the gas exposed electrode surfaces in solid state electrochemistry
| C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry |
2000 |
Electrochemical promotion (NEMCA) of CH4 and C2H4 oxidation on Pd/YSZ and investigation of the origin of NEMCA via AC impedance spectroscopy
| A.D Frantzis, S Bebelis, C.G Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2000 |
Investigation of electrochemical promotion using temperature-programmed desorption and work function measurements
| D Tsiplakides, S Neophytides, C.G Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2000 |
Electrochemical promotion of Pd, Fe and distributed Pt catalyst-electrodes
| S Balomenou, G Pitselis, D Polydoros, A Giannikos, A Vradis, A Frenzel, C Pliangos, H Pütter, C.G Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2000 |
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 on Rh/YSZ catalyst-electrodes
| C Pliangos, C Raptis, Th Badas, C.G Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2000 |
On the work function of the gas-exposed electrode surfaces in solid state electrolyte cells
| C.G. Vayenas, D. Tsiplakides |
Surface Science |
2000 |
Electrochemical promotion of a classically promoted Rh catalyst for the reduction of NO
| C Pliangos, C Raptis, Th Badas, D Tsiplakides, C.G Vayenas |
Electrochimica Acta |
2000 |
Electrochemical activation of catalytic reactions using anionic, cationic and mixed conductors
| S. Bebelis, M. Makri, A. Buekenhoudt, J. Luyten, S. Brosda, P. Petrolekas, C. Pliangos, C.G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2000 |
Electrochemical promotion of ethylene and propylene oxidation on Pt deposited on yttria–titania–zirconia
| P Beatrice, C Pliangos, W.L Worrell, C.G Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
2000 |
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 on Rh/YSZ catalyst — electrodes and investigation of the origin of the promoting action using TPD and WF measurements
| C. Raptis, Th. Badas, D. Tsiplakides, C. Pliangos, C.G. Vayenas |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
2000 |
An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of zirconia-supported Mo and Ni–Mo hydrodesulfurization catalysts
| D Sotiropoulou, C Yiokari, C.G Vayenas, S Ladas |
Applied Catalysis A: General |
1999 |
Temperature Programmed Desorption of Oxygen from Ag Films Interfaced with Y2O3-Doped ZrO2
| D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1999 |
Electrochemical promotion of electronically isolated and dispersed Pt catalysts
| M. Marwood, S. Balomenou, A. Tsiliras, C. A. Cavalca, C. Pliangos, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1998 |
Temperature-Programmed Desorption of Oxygen from Pt Films Interfaced with Y2O3-Doped ZrO2
| S.G. Neophytides, D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1998 |
Electrochemical Promotion of a Dispersed Platinum Catalyst
| M. Marwood, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1998 |
Unsteady state operation of catalytic particles with constant and periodically changing degree of external wetting
| Ch. Kouris, St. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas, J. Tsamopoulos |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1998 |
Work Function and Catalytic Activity Measurements of an IrO2 Film Deposited on YSZ Subjected to In Situ Electrochemical Promotion
| D. Tsiplakides, J. Nicole, C.G. Vayenas, and Ch. Comninellis |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1998 |
Electrochemical Promotion of Ethylene Oxidation on Pt Catalyst Films Deposited on CeO2
| P. D. Petrolekas, S. Balomenou, and C.G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1998 |
Electrochemical Promotion of Pt Catalyst Electrodes Deposited on Na3Zr2Si2 PO12 during Ethylene Oxidation
| P. D. Petrolekas, S. Brosda, and C.G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1998 |
Electrochemical promotion of CH4 oxidation on Pd
| A. Giannikos, A. D. Frantzis, C. Pliangos, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1998 |
Electrochemical promotion of Pd for the hydrogenation of C2H2
| A. Giannikos, P. Petrolekas, C. Pliangos, A. Frenzel, C. G. Vayenas, H. Pütter |
Ionics |
1998 |
Support-induced promotional effects on the activity of automotive exhaust catalysts 1. The case of oxidation of light hydrocarbons (C2H4)
| C. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, V.G. Papadakis, C.G. Vayenas, X.E. Verykios |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental |
1997 |
Improvement of automotive exhaust catalysts by support and electrochemical modification induced promotional effects
| V.G. Papadakis, C.A. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas |
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications |
1997 |
Hydrotreatment of spent lube oil: Catalysts and reactor performance
| C. Yiokari, S. Morphi, A. Siokou, F. Satra, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas, C. Karavassilis, G. Deligiorgis |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1997 |
Oxidative coupling of methane to ethylene with 85% yield in a gas recycle electrocatalytic or catalytic reactor separator
| I.V. Yentekakis, Y. Jiang, M. Makri, C.G. Vayenas |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1997 |
Direct STM, XPS and TPD observation of spillover phenomena over mm distances on metal catalyst films interfaced with solid electrolytes
| C.G. Vayenas, R.M. Lambert, S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides, M.S. Tikhov, N.C. Filkin, M. Makri, D. Tsiplakides, C. Cavalca, K. Besocke |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1997 |
Electrochemical Promotion of Electronically Isolated Pt Catalysts on Stabilized Zirconia
| M. Marwood, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1997 |
In SituControlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces via NEMCA: The Effect of Na on the Pt-Catalyzed NO Reduction by H2
| O.A. Marina, I.V. Yentekakis, C.G. Vayenas, A. Palermo, R.M. Lambert |
Journal of Catalysis |
1997 |
Electrochemical Promotion of the Catalytic Reduction of NO by CO on Palladium
| M. Marwood, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1997 |
Nonfaradaic Electrochemical Modification of the Catalytic Activity of Pt‐Black Electrodes Deposited on Nafion 117 Solid Polymer Electrolytes
| D. Tsiplakides, S. G. Neophytides, O. Enea, M. Jaksic, and C. G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1997 |
Electrochemical promotion of ammonia decomposition over Fe catalyst films interfaced with K+- & H+- conductors
| G. E. Pitselis, P. D. Petrolekas, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1997 |
Thermal desorption study of Oxygen adsorption on Pt, Ag & Au films deposited on YSZ
| D. Tsiplakides, S. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1997 |
Quantum-Chemical Study of Electrochemical Promotion in Catalysis
| Gianfranco Pacchioni, Francesc Illas, Stelios Neophytides, and Constantinos G. Vayenas
J. Phys. Chem. |
1996 |
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of the Catalytic Activity of Pt for H2 Oxidation in Aqueous Alkaline Media
| S.G. Neophytides, D. Tsiplakides , P. Stonehart, M. Jaksic, and C.G. Vayenas |
J. Phys. Chem. |
1996 |
Applications of clay minerals in sensor techniques
| U. Guth, S. Brosda, J. Schomburg |
Applied Clay Science |
1996 |
Atomic resolution STM imaging of electrochemically controlled reversible promoter dosing of catalysts
| M. Makri, C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, K.H. Besocke, C. Cavalca |
Surface Science |
1996 |
Development of high performance, Pd-based, three way catalysts
| V.G. Papadakis, C.A. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas |
Catalysis Today |
1996 |
Oxidative coupling of methane to ethylene with 85 yield in a gasrecycle electrocatalytic or catalytic reactor-separator
| M. Makri, Y. Jiang, I.V. Yentekakis, C.G. Vayenas |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1996 |
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity 9. Ethylene Oxidation on Pt Deposited on TiO2
| C. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, S. Ladas, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1996 |
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity X. Ethylene Epoxidation on Ag Deposited on Stabilized ZrO2in the Presence of Chlorine Moderators
| Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1996 |
In SituControlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces via NEMCA: The Effect of Na on the Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation in the Presence of Chlorine Moderators
| Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1996 |
Atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of Pt electrodes interfaced with β″-Al2O3
| M. Makri, C. G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, K. H. Besocke, C. Cavalca |
Ionics |
1996 |
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of the catalytic activity of Pt using a CaZr0.9In0.1O3-α proton conductor
| M. Makri, A. Buekenhoudt, J. Luyten, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1996 |
TPD and Cyclic Voltammetric Investigation of the Origin of Electrochemical Promotion in Catalysis
| S. G. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas
J. Phys. Chem. |
1995 |
In situ Controlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces via Solid Electrolytes: The NEMCA effect
| C.G. Vayenas, I.V. Yentekakis, S.I. Bebelis and S.G. Neophytides |
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. |
1995 |
Support and nemca induced promotional effects on the activity of automotive exhaust catalysts
| I.V. Yentekakis, C.A. Pliangos, V.G. Papadakis, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1995 |
Electrochemical promotion of IrO2 catalyst for the gas phase combustion of ethylene
| E. Varkaraki, J. Nicole, E. Plattner, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas |
J. Applied Electrochem. |
1995 |
In Situ Controlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces Via Solid Electrolytes: The NEMCA Effect
| Constantinos G. Vayenas, Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Symeon I. Bebelis and Stylianos G. Neophytides |
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie |
1995 |
Selectivity maximization of ethylene epoxidation via NEMCA with zirconia and β″-Al2O3 solid electrolytes
| Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
The effect of catalyst-electrode potential and work function on the chemisorptive bond of oxygen on Pt interfaced with YSZ
| S. G. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
Electrochemical promotion in emission control catalysis
| R. M. Lambert, I. R. Harkness, I. V. Yentekakis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
In situ controlled promotion of catalyst surfaces via solid electrolytes: Ethylene oxidation on Rh and propylene oxidation on Pt
| A. C. Kaloyannis, C. A. Pliangos, I. V. Yentekakis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
Ethylene production from methane in a gas recycle electrocatalytic reactor separator
| I. V. Yentekakis, Y. Jiang, M. Makri, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
Electrochemical promotion of catalyst surfaces deposited on ionic and mixed conductors
| A. C. Kaloyannis, C. A. Pliangos, D. T. Tsiplakides, I. V. Yentekakis, S. G. Neophytides, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
Electrochemical promotion of environmentally important catalytic reactions
| R. M. Lambert, M. Tikhov, A. Palermo, I. V. Yentekakis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
Catalysis, electrocatalysis and electrochemical promotion of the steam reforming of methane over Ni film and Ni-YSZ cermet anodes
| I. V. Yentekakis, Y. Jiang, S. Neophytides, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
Electrochemical promotion of the NO reduction by C2H4 on Pt/YSZ and by CO on Pd/YSZ
| M. Marwood, A. Kaloyannis, C. G. Vayenas |
Ionics |
1995 |
Methane to Ethylene with 85% Yield in a Gas-Recycle Electrocatalytic Reactor-separator
Science |
1994 |
In Situ controlled promotion of catalyst surfaces via NEMCA: The effect of Na on the Pt-catalyzed CO oxidation
| I.V. Yentekakis, G. Moggridge, C.G. Vayenas, R.M. Lambert |
Journal of Catalysis |
1994 |
Electrochemical promotion in catalysis: non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, S. Neophytides, Jiang Yi, Ch. Karavasilis, C. Pliangos |
Electrochimica Acta |
1994 |
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity: solid electrolytes as active catalyst supports
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, Ch. Karavasilis, Jiang Yi |
Solid State Ionics |
1994 |
Electrochemical enhancement of a catalytic reaction in aqueous solution
| S.G. Neophytides, D. Tsiplakides, P. Stonehart, M.M. Jaksic C.G. Vayenas, |
Nature |
1994 |
Origin of non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity
| S. Ladas, S. Kennou, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas
J. Phys. Chem. |
1993 |
Electrochemical modification of methanol oxidation selectivity and activity on a platinum single-pellet catalytic reactor
| C. A. Cavalca, G. Larsen, C. G. Vayenas, G. L. Haller
J. Phys. Chem. |
1993 |
In situ High Temperature SERS study of Oxygen adsorbed on Ag: Support and Electrochemical Promotion Effects
| D.I. Kondarides, G.N. Papatheodorou, C.G. Vayenas and X.E. Verykios
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem |
1993 |
Ion spillover as the origin of the NEMCA effect
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, S. Neophytides, Jiang Yi |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1993 |
Solid Electrolytes for in Situ Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces: The Nemca Effect
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras, H. Karasali, Ch. Karavasilis |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1993 |
Study of the NEMCA effect in a single-pellet catalytic reactor
| I.V. Yentekakis, S. Bebelis |
Journal of Catalysis |
1992 |
Hydration and Carbonation of Pozzolanic Cements
| V.G. Papadakis, M.N. Fardis and C.G. Vayenas
ACI Materials J. |
1992 |
Effect of Composition, Environmental Factors and cement line mortar coating on Concrete Carbonation |
V.G. Papadakis, M.N. Fardis and C.G. Vayenas
J. Materials and Structures |
1992 |
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity: the work function of metal electrodes in solid electrolyte cells
| Costas G. Vayenas, Symeon Bebelis, Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Stelios Neophytides |
Solid State Ionics |
1992 |
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 5. Oxygen chemisorption on silver
| S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1992 |
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 6. Ethylene epoxidation on Ag deposited on stabilized ZrO2
| S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1992 |
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity: A status report
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, H.-G. Lintz |
Catalysis Today |
1992 |
Physical and Chemical Characteristics Affecting the Durability of Concretes
| V.G. Papadakis, M.N. Fardis and C.G. Vayenas
ACI Materials J. |
1991 |
Fundamental Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Concrete Carbonation
| V. Papadakis, C.G. Vayenas and M.N. Fardis
ACI Materials J. |
1991 |
Solid Electrolytes and Catalysis. Part 1: Chemical Cogeneration |
C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis and C. Kyriazis
Chemtech |
1991 |
Solid Electrolytes and Catalysis. Part 2: Non-Faradaic Catalysis |
C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis and C. Kyriazis
Chemtech |
1991 |
Solid Electrolytes for in situ Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces: The NEMCA effect |
C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras, H. Karasali and Ch. Karavasilis |
ISSI Letters |
1991 |
Catalytic and Electrocatalytic Reactions in Solid Electrolyte Cells: The NEMCA effect |
C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras, H. Karasali and Ch. Karavasilis
Materials Science Forum |
1991 |
Work Function Measurements in Solid Electrolyte Cells: Dependence of Electrode Work Function on Electrode Potential and Polarization |
S. Bebelis and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Science Forum |
1991 |
NEMCA: The Oxidation of CO on Pt |
H. Karasali and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Science Forum |
1991 |
NEMCA: The Oxidation of CO on Ag |
Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Science Forum |
1991 |
Kinetics of sulphation of limestone and precalcined limestone
| Demetrios N. Spartinos, Costas G. Vayenas |
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification |
1991 |
Experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of the concrete carbonation problem
| Vagelis G. Papadakis, Costas G. Vayenas, Michael N. Fardis |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1991 |
Work function measurements on catalyst films subject to in situ electrochemical promotion
| S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas |
Surface Science Letters |
1991 |
Oxidative coupling of methane over yttria-doped zirconia solid electrolyte
| S. Seimanides, P. Tsiakaras, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas |
Applied Catalysis |
1991 |
Work function measurements on catalyst films subject to in situ electrochemical promotion
| S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas |
Surface Science |
1991 |
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 4. The use of β″-Al2O3 as the solid electrolyte
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, M. Despotopoulou |
Journal of Catalysis |
1991 |
Solid electrolyte cyclic voltammetry for in situ investigation of catalyst surfaces
| C.G. Vayenas, A. Ioannides, S. Bebelis |
Journal of Catalysis |
1991 |
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity III. The case of methanol oxidation on Pt
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Neophytides |
Journal of Catalysis |
1991 |
Comments on optimal catalyst activity profiles in pellets—VIII. General nonisothermal reacting systems with arbitrary kinetics
| S. Pavlou, C.G. Vayenas, G. Dassios |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1991 |
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity on Pt Metals
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras and H. Karasali
Plat. Met. Rev |
1990 |
Optimal catalyst activity profile in pellets with shell-progressive poisoning: the case of fast linear kinetics
| Stavros Pavlou, Costas G. Vayenas |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1990 |
Optimal catalyst activity distribution in pellets for selectivity maximization in triangular nonisothermal reaction systems: Application to cases of light olefin epoxidation
| S. Pavlou, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1990 |
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity: Partial Oxidation of C2H4 On Ag And CH3OH On Pt
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1990 |
Chemical Cogeneration in Solid Electrolyte Cells: The Oxidation of CH3OH to H2CO
| S. Neophytides and C.G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1990 |
Dependence of catalytic rates on catalyst work function
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Ladas |
Nature |
1990 |
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity in Solid Electrolyte Cells
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides and I.V. Yentekakis
Applied Physics (A) |
1989 |
A Reaction Engineering Approach to the Problem of Concrete Carbonation
| V. Papadakis, C.G. Vayenas and M.N. Fardis
1989 |
Optimal catalyst distribution for selectivity maximization in nonisothermal pellets: the case of consecutive reactions
| Costas G. Vayenas, Stavros Pavlou, Aristedes D. Pappas |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1989 |
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 1. The case of ethylene oxidation on Pt
| S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1989 |
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 2. The case of methanol dehydrogenation and decomposition on Ag
| S. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1989 |
In situ high temperature SERS study of Ag catalysts and electrodes during ethylene epoxidation
| S. Boghosian, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas, G.N. Papatheodorou |
Journal of Catalysis |
1989 |
Chemical Cogeneration in Solid Electrolyte Cells: The Oxidation of H2S to SO2
| I.V. Yentekakis and C.G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1989 |
Feste Ionenleiter in der heterogenen Katalyse
| H.G. Lintz and C.G. Vayenas |
Angewandte Chemie |
1989 |
Solid Ion Conductors in Heterogeneous Catalysis
| H.G. Lintz and C.G. Vayenas |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English |
1989 |
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity
| C. G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides
J. Phys. Chem. |
1988 |
Mathematical Modelling of SLC Precalciners |
S. Kolifetis and C.G. Vayenas
ZKG (Zement-Kalk-Gypsum) International |
1988 |
Optimal catalyst distribution for selectivity maximization in nonisothermal pellets: The case of parallel reactions
| Costas G. Vayenas, Stavros Pavlou |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1988 |
Catalytic and electrocatalytic reactions in solid oxide fuel cells
| Costas G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
1988 |
Solid electrolyte aided study of the mechanism of CO oxidation on polycrystalline platinum
| I.V. Yentekakis, S. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1988 |
The effect of electrochemical oxygen pumping on the steady-state and oscillatory behavior of CO oxidation on polycrystalline Pt
| I.V. Yentekakis, C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1988 |
Optimal catalyst activity distribution and generalized effectiveness factors in pellets: Single reactions with arbitrary kinetics
| Costas G. Vayenas, Stavros Pavlou |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1987 |
Effectiveness factors for reactions between volatile and non-volatile components in partially wetted catalysts
| Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Costas G. Vayenas |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1987 |
Optimal Catalyst Distribution in Pellets with Shell Progressive Poisoning: The Case of Linear Kinetics
| T. Bacaros, S. Bebelis, S. Pavlou, C.G. Vayenas |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
1987 |
Optimal catalyst distribution for selectivity maximization in pellets: Parallel and consecutive reactions
| C.G. Vayenas, S. Pavlou |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1987 |
Optimal residence time policy for product yield maximization in chemical reactors
| V. Nestoridis, I. Andreou, C. G. Vayenas |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
1986 |
A Novel Cross‐Flow Design for Solid‐State Electrochemical Reactors |
J. N. Michaels, C. G. Vayenas, and L. L. Hegedus |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1986 |
Cross-flow, solid-state electrochemical reactors: a steady state analysis
| Costas G. Vayenas, Pablo G. Debenedetti, Iannis Yentekakis, L. Louis Hegedus
Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamen. |
1985 |
Kinetics of vapor-phase electrochemical oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene
| James N. Michaels, Costas G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1984 |
Comment on the “interpretation of the electromotive forces of solid electrolyte concentration cells during CO oxidation on platinum” and on “electromotive forces studies of CO oxidation on platinum”
| C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1984 |
Electrocatalytic Rate Enhancement of Propylene Epoxidation on Porous Silver Electrodes Using a Zirconia Oxygen Pump
| M. Stoukides and C. G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1984 |
Styrene Production from Ethylbenzene on Platinum in a Zirconia Electrochemical Reactor
| J. N. Michaels and C. G. Vayenas |
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1984 |
Solid electrolyte-aided study of propylene oxidation on polycrystalline silver
| Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1983 |
Steady-state analysis of high temperature fuel cells
| P.G. Debenedetti, C.G. Vayenas |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1983 |
On the stability limit of surface platinum oxide and its role in oscillation phenomena of platinum catalyzed oxidations
| Costas G. Vayenas, James N. Michaels |
Surface Science |
1982 |
Kinetics and rate oscillations of the oxidation of propylene oxide on polycrystalline silver
| Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1982 |
Response to “comment on the model for isothermal oscillations of ethylene oxidation on platinum”
| C.G. Vayenas, C. Georgakis, J.N. Michaels |
Journal of Catalysis |
1982 |
Ammonia oxidation to nitric oxide in a solid electrolyte fuel cell
| Catherine T. Sigal, Costas G. Vayenas |
Solid State Ionics |
1981 |
The effect of electrochemical oxygen pumping on the rate and selectivity of ethylene oxidation on polycrystalline silver
| Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1981 |
Solid-electrolyte-aided study of the ethylene oxidation on polycrystalline silver
| Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1981 |
The role of PtOx in the isothermal rate oscillations of ethylene oxidation on platinum
| C.G. Vayenas, C. Georgakis, J. Michaels, J. Tormo |
Journal of Catalysis |
1981 |
The effect of homogeneous gas phase oxidations in char particle gasification
| R.R. Cwiklinski, C.G. Vayenas, C. Georgakis, J. Wei |
Chemical Engineering Science |
1981 |
Solid electrolyte aided study of the ethylene oxide oxidation on silver
| Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas |
Journal of Catalysis |
1980 |
Kinetics, limit cycles, and mechanism of the ethylene oxidation on platinum
| C.G. Vayenas, B. Lee, J. Michaels |
Journal of Catalysis |
1980 |
Cogeneration of Electric Energy and Nitric Oxide
| C.G. Vayenas and R.D. Farr
Science |
1980 |
Ammonia High Temperature Solid Electrolyte Fuel Cell
| R.D. Farr and C.G. Vayenas
J. Electrochem. Soc. |
1980 |
Chemistry at catalytic surfaces The SO2 oxidation on noble metals
| C.G. Vayenas, H.M. Saltsburg |
Journal of Catalysis |
1979 |