Laboratory of Chemical & Electrochemical Processes

Department of Chemical Engineering – University of Patras

Epoc | Publications


Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Hydrogenation Using a Pt/YSZ Fuel Cell Type Reactor
Andriana Lymperi, Christos Chatzilias, Fotios Xydas, Eftychia Martino, Georgios Kyriakou and
Alexandros Katsaounis
Nanomaterials  2023
Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Hydrogenation Using Rh Catalysts Supported on O2− Conducting Solid Electrolyte
Nikoleta Kokkinou, Fotios Xydas, Susanne Brosda, Georgios Kyriakou and Alexandros Katsaounis
Catalysts 2023
Kinetic study of CO2 hydrogenation on Ru/ YSZ catalyst using a monolithic electropromoted reactor (MEPR) C. Chatzilias, E. Martino, S. Tsatsos, G. Kyriakou, A. Katsaounis, C.G.Vayenas Chemical Engineering Journal 10 2022
A low temperature SOFC as a self-promoted reactor for CO2 catalytic hydrogenation Ch. Chatzilias, E. Martino, C.G. Vayenas, G. Kyriakou, A. Katsaounis Appl.Catal. B 2022
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Promotion of Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed Dehydration Reactions over Molybdenum Oxide Alexander A. Khechfe, Mark M. Sullivan, Dimitrios Zagoraios, Alexandros Katsaounis, Constantinos G. Vayenas, Yuriy Román-Leshkov ACS Catal.  8 2022
The role of the promoting ionic species in electrochemical promotion and in metal-support interactions D. Grigoriou, D. Zagoraios, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2021
Tuning the RWGS Reaction via EPOC and in Situ Electro-oxidation of Cobalt Nanoparticles Dimitrios Zagoraios, Sotirios Tsatsos, Stella Kennou, Constantinos G. Vayenas, Georgios Kyriakou and Alexandros Katsaounis


ACS Catalysis 12 2020
Effect of Carbon Support on the Electrocatalytic Properties of Pt-Ru Catalysts Bjorn Hasa, Eftychia Martino, John Vakros, GeorgeTrakakis, Costas Galiotis,and Alexandros Katsaounis ChemElectroChem 2019
Hybrid graphene nanoplatelet/manganese oxide electrodes for solid-state supercapacitors and application to carbon fiber composite multifunctional materials
A. Masouras, D. Giannopoulos, B. Hasa, A. Katsaounis, V. Kostopoulos
Journal of Energy Storage 2019
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation over nanodispersed Pd/Co-3O4 catalysts D. Zagoraios, A. Athanasiadi, I. Kalaitzidou, S. Ntais, A. Katsaounis, A. Caravaca, P. Vernoux, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2019
The role of the promoting ionic species in Electrochemical Promotion and in Metal-Support Interactions D. Grigoriou, D. Zagoraios, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas
Catalysis Today 2019
Electrochemical promotion of nanodispersed Ru-Co catalysts for the hydrogenation of CO2 A. Kotsiras, I. Kalaitzidou, D. Grigoriou, A. Symillidis, M. Makri, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas
Appl. Catal. B 2018
Steady State Multiplicities in Low Temperature PEM Fuel Cells E. Martino, A. Gusev, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas Materials Today: Proceedings
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on Pd nanoparticles deposited on YSZ I. Kalaitzidou, D. Zagoraios, S. Brosda, A. Katsaounis, P. Vernoux and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Today: Proceedings 2018
Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Reduction on a Dispersed Ru/YSZ Catalyst Supported on YSZ Solid Electrolyte M. Makri, A. Symillidis, D. Grigoriou, A. Katsaounis and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Today: Proceedings 2018
Electrochemical promotion of carbon supported Pt, Rh and Pd catalysts for H2 oxidation in aqueous alkaline media

M. Athanasiou, B. Hasa, Bjorn, J. Vakros, L. Sygellou, A. Katsaounis


J Chem Technol and Biotechnol

The Effect of Polarization and Reaction Mixture on the Rh/YSZ Oxidation State During Ethylene Oxidation Studied by Near Ambient Pressure XPS A. Katsaounis, D. Teschner, S. Zafeiratos Topics in Catalysis 2018
The Effect of Polarization and Reaction Mixture on the Rh/YSZ Oxidation State During Ethylene Oxidation Studied by Near Ambient Pressure XPS
A. Katsaounis, D. Teschner, and S. Zafeiratos
Topics in Catalysis 2018
Experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of triode PEM fuel cells E. Martino, G. Koilias, M. Athanasiou, A. Katsaounis, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, C.G. Vayenas Electrochimica Acta 2017
Electrochemical treatment of biologically pre-treated dairy wastewater using dimensionally stable anodes V. Markou, M.C. Kontogianni, Z. Frontistis, A.G. Tekerlekopoulou, A. Katsaounis, D. Vayenas J Environ. Management 2017
Boron-doped diamond electrooxidation of ethyl paraben: The effect of electrolyte on by-products distribution and mechanisms Z. Frontistis, M. Antonopoulou, M.  Yazirdagi, Z. Kilinc, I. Konstantinou, A. Katsaounis, D. Mantzavinos J Environ. Management 2017
Investigation of Advanced Components in a High Pressure Single-Cell Electrolyser for the Development of a HP-PEM-ELY Stack as Part of a Regenerative Fuel Cell System

D.K. Niakolas, S. Neophytides,C.G. Vayenas, A. Katsaounis, N. Athanasopoulos, S. Balomenou, K.M. Papazisi, D. Tsiplakides, M. Schautz


E3S Web of Conferences

Comparative study of the electrochemical promotion of CO2 hydrogenation on Ru using Na+, K+, H+ and O2 − conducting solid electrolytes I. Kalaitzidou, M. Makri, D. Theleritis, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas Surface Science 2016
Fuel cells are a commercially viable alternative for the production of “clean” energy" D. K. Niakolas, M. Daletou, S.G. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas Ambio 2016
Effect of TiO2 Loading on Pt-Ru Catalysts During Alcohol Electrooxidation B. Hasa, E. Kalamaras, E. I. Papaioannou, J. Vakros, L. Sygellou, A. Katsaounis Electrochimica Acta 2015
Electrochemical promotion of CO2 hydrogenation on Ru catalyst–electrodes supported on a K-β"-Αl2O3 solid electrolyte M. Makri, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas, 

Electrochimica Acta 2015
Electrochemical promotion of the hydrogenation of CO2 on Ru deposited on a BZY proton conductor I. Kalaitzidou, A. Katsaounis, T. Norby, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 2015
Comparative Study of the Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 Hydrogenation over Ru-Supported Catalysts using Electronegative and Electropositive Promoters Authors D. Theleritis, M. Makri, S. Souentie, A. Caravaca, A. Katsaounis and C.G. Vayenas ChemElectroChem 2014
Organic Pollutants in Water Using DSA Electrodes, In-Cell Mediated (via Active Chlorine) Electrochemical Oxidation Alexandros Katsaounis, Stamatios Souentie Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry 2014
Electron donation – backdonation and the rules of catalytic promotion Costas G. Vayenas and Susanne Brosda
Topics in Catalysis 2014
Electrochemical promotion of propane oxidation over Pd, Ir, and Ru catalyst-electrodes deposited on YSZ S. Peng-ont, S. Souentie, S. Assabumrungrat, P. Praserthdam, S. Brosda, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 2013
Enhanced electropromotion of methane combustion on palladium catalysts deposited on highly porous supports F. Matei, C. Jiménez-Borja, J. Canales-Vázquez, S. Brosda, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, D. Ciuparu Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2013
Reaction Kinetic-Induced Changes in the Electrochemically Promoted C2H4 Oxidation on Pt/YSZ S. Peng-ont, S. Souentie, S. Assabumrungrat, P. Praserthdam, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Letters 2013
Pt–Ir Binary Electrodes for Direct Oxidation of Methanol in Low-Temperature Fuel Cells (DMFCs) E. I. Papaioannou, A. Siokou, Ch. Comninellis, A. Katsaounis Electrocatalysis 2013
Electrochemical oxidation of alcohols on Pt–TiO2 binary electrodes Bjorn Hasa, Evangelos Kalamaras,  Evangelos I. Papaioannou, Labrini Sygellou, Alexandros Katsaounis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2013
Mathematical modeling of Ni/GDC and Au–Ni/GDC SOFC anodes performance under internal methane steam reforming conditions S. Souentie, M. Athanasiou, D.K. Niakolas, A. Katsaounis, S.G. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 2013
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on impregnated and sputtered Pd catalyst-electrodes deposited on YSZ F. Matei, D. Ciuparu, C. Jiménez-Borja, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, S. Brosda Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2012
Reprint of: Electrochemical oxidation of stabilized landfill leachate on DSA electrodes Elisabetta Turro, Apostolos Giannis, Raffaello Cossu, Evangelos Gidarakos, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Alexandros Katsaounis Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012
Anodic oxidation of textile dyehouse effluents on boron-doped diamond electrode Eleni Tsantaki, Theodora Velegraki, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dionissios Mantzavinos Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012
Effects of carbonate on the electrolytic removal of ammonia and urea from urine with thermally prepared IrO2 electrodes Véronique Amstutz, Alexandros Katsaounis, Agnieszka Kapalka, Christos Comninellis, Kai M. Udert Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2012
Oscillatory behavior of Rh/YSZ under electropromoted conditions C. Jiménez-Borja, A. de Lucas-Consuegra, F. Sapountzi, F. Dorado, A. Katsaounis, J.L. Valverde Chemical Physics Letters 2012
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on Pd catalyst-electrodes deposited on Y2O3-stabilized-ZrO2 C. Jiménez-Borja, S. Brosda, F. Matei, M. Makri, B. Delgado, F. Sapountzi, D. Ciuparu, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, C.G. Vayenas Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2012
Triode operation of CO poisoned PEM fuel cells: Fixed and cyclic potential triode operation M.N. Tsampas, F.M. Sapountzi, S. Divane, E.I. Papaioannou, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2012
Methane oxidation on Pd/YSZ by electrochemical promotion C. Jiménez-Borja, S. Brosda, M. Makri, F. Sapountzi, F. Dorado, J.L. Valverde, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2012
Hydrogenation of CO2 over Ru/YSZ Electropromoted Catalysts
D. Theleritis, S. Souentie, A. Siokou, A. Katsaounis, and C. G. Vayenas
ACS Catal. 2012
Electrochemical oxidation of stabilized landfill leachate on DSA electrodes Elisabetta Turro, Apostolos Giannis, Raffaello Cossu, Evangelos Gidarakos, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Alexandros Katsaounis Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011
Degradation of Reactive Red 120 using hydrogen peroxide in subcritical water Vasileia M. Daskalaki, Eleni S. Timotheatou, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dimitrios Kalderis Desalination 2011
Solar light-induced degradation of bisphenol-A with TiO2 immobilized on Ti Vasileia M. Daskalaki, Zacharias Frontistis, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Alexandros Katsaounis Catalysis Today 2011
Electrochemical promotion of the CO2 hydrogenation reaction on composite Ni or Ru impregnated carbon nanofiber catalyst-electrodes deposited on YSZ Vicente Jiménez, Carmen Jiménez-Borja, Paula Sánchez, Amaya Romero, Evangelos I. Papaioannou, Demetrios Theleritis, Stamatios Souentie, Susanne Brosda, José Luis Valverde Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2011
Electrochemical enhancement of solar photocatalysis: Degradation of endocrine disruptor bisphenol-A on Ti/TiO2 films Zacharias Frontistis, Vasileia M. Daskalaki, Alexandros Katsaounis, Ioannis Poulios, Dionissios Mantzavinos Water Research 2011
Electrochemical oxidation of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) on thermally and electrochemically prepared IrO2 electrodes Agnieszka Kapałka, Stéphane Fierro, Zacharias Frontistis, Alexandros Katsaounis, Stefano Neodo, Olivier Frey, Nico de Rooij, Kai M. Udert, Christos Comninellis Electrochimica Acta 2011
BDD anodic oxidation as tertiary wastewater treatment for the removal of emerging micro-pollutants, pathogens and organic matter
Zacharias Frontistis, Christina Brebou,Danae Venieri,Dionissios Mantzavinos and Alexandros Katsaounis
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2011
The role of Nafion content in sputtered IrO2 based anodes for low temperature PEM water electrolysis F.M. Sapountzi, S.C. Divane, E.I. Papaioannou, S. Souentie, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2011
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of fully hydrated Nafion membranes at high and low hydrogen partial pressures M.N. Tsampas, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas Electrochimica Acta 2011
Electrochemical promotion of the SO2 oxidation over thin Pt films interfaced with YSZ in a monolithic electropromoted reactor A. Hammad, S. Souentie, E.I. Papaioannou, S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, J.C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, C.J. Pereira Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2011
Enhanced performance of CO poisoned proton exchange membrane fuel cells via triode operation F.M. Sapountzi, S.C. Divane, M.N. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas Electrochimica Acta 2011
Study of the Mechanism of the Electrochemical Promotion of Rh/YSZ Catalysts for C2H4 Oxidation Via AC Impedance Spectroscopy S. Brosda, T. Badas, C. G. Vayenas Topics in Catalysis 2011
Electrochemical oxidation of benzoic acid in water over boron-doped diamond electrodes: Statistical analysis of key operating parameters, kinetic modeling, reaction by-products and ecotoxicity Theodora Velegraki, George Balayiannis, Evan Diamadopoulos, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dionissios Mantzavinos Chemical Engineering Journal 2010
Anodic oxidation of phenol on Ti/IrO2 electrode: Experimental studies Efthalia Chatzisymeon, Stéphane Fierro, Iasson Karafyllis, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Nicolas Kalogerakis, Alexandros Katsaounis Catalysis Today 2010
Effectiveness factor of isopropanol oxidation on IrO2 based electrodes of different loading Erika Herrera Calderon, John Hahladakis, György Foti, Alexandros Katsaounis Electrochimica Acta 2010
Ammonia oxidation to nitrogen mediated by electrogenerated active chlorine on Ti/PtOx-IrO2 Agnieszka Kapałka, Alexandros Katsaounis, Nina-Luisa Michels, Anna Leonidova, Stamatis Souentie, Christos Comninellis, Kai M. Udert Electrochemistry Communications 2010
DSA electrochemical treatment of olive mill wastewater on Ti/RuO2 anode
N. Papastefanakis, D. Mantzavinos, A. Katsaounis
Electrochemical degradation of Reactive Red 120 using DSA and BDD anodes
T. Panakoulias, P. Kalatzis, D. Kalderis, A. Katsaounis
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2010
Permanent electrochemical promotion of C3H8 oxidation over thin sputtered Pt films S. Souentie, L. Lizarraga, E.I. Papaioannou, C.G. Vayenas, P. Vernoux Electrochemistry Communications 2010
Electrochemical promotion of Pt(111)/YSZ(111) and Pt–FeOx/YSZ(111) thin catalyst films: Electrocatalytic, catalytic and morphological studies E. Mutoro, C. Koutsodontis, B. Luerssen, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas, J. Janek Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2010
The role of TiO2 layers deposited on YSZ on the electrochemical promotion of C2H4 oxidation on Pt E. I. Papaioannou, S. Souentie, F. M. Sapountzi, A. Hammad, D. Labou, S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas

J. Applied Electrochem.


Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation on Rh/YSZ A. Nakos, S. Souentie, A. Katsaounis Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2010
Temperature dependence of electrochemically promoted NO reduction by C3H6 under stoichiometric conditions using Me/YSZ/Au (Me=Rh, RhPt, Pt) electrochemical catalysts Y. Sakamoto, K. Okumura, H. Shinjoh, M. Lepage, S. Brosda Catalysis Today 2009
Nickel-Zirconia Anode Degradation and Triple Phase Boundary Quantification from microstructural Analysis  A. Faes, A. Hessler-Wyser, D. Presvytes, C.G. Vayenas, J. Van Herle
Fuel Cells 2009
Electrochemical behaviour of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) on electrochemically grown anodic iridium oxide film (AIROF) electrode Agnieszka Kapałka, Stéphane Fierro, Zacharias Frontistis, Alexandros Katsaounis, Olivier Frey, Milena Koudelka, Christos Comninellis, Kai M. Udert Electrochemistry Communications 2009
Boron-doped diamond anodic treatment of olive mill wastewaters: Statistical analysis, kinetic modeling and biodegradability Efthalia Chatzisymeon, Nikolaos P. Xekoukoulotakis, Evan Diamadopoulos, Alexandros Katsaounis, Dionissios Mantzavinos Water Research 2009
ELECTROCHEMICAL THEORY | Non Faraday Electrochemical Modification of Catalysts Activity C.G. Vayenas, S. Brosda Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources 2009
Electrochemical promotion of CO conversion to CO2 in PEM fuel cell PROX reactor F.M. Sapountzi, M.N. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2009
Electrochemical promotion of the CO2 hydrogenation reaction using thin Rh, Pt and Cu films in a monolithic reactor at atmospheric pressure E.I. Papaioannou, S. Souentie, A. Hammad, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2009
Steady-state multiplicity phenomena during the electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C2H4 in presence of O2 on thin Rh and Pt catalyst-electrodes in a monolithic electropromoted reactor S. Souentie, A. Hammad, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2009
Electrochemical promotion of CO oxidation on Pt/YSZ: The effect of catalyst potential on the induction of highly active stationary and oscillatory states M.N. Tsampas, F.M. Sapountzi, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2009
Non-Faradaic electrochemical activation of catalysis Costas G. Vayenas and Costas G. Koutsodontis
J. Chem. Phys. 2008
Temperature programmed desorption of oxygen from Pd films interfaced with Y2O3-doped ZrO2 A. Katsaounis Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2008
Electrochemical promotion of the CO2 hydrogenation on Pd/YSZ and Pd/β″-Al2O3 catalyst-electrodes S. Bebelis, H. Karasali, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2008
Tailor-structured skeletal Pt catalysts employed in a monolithic electropromoted reactor A. Hammad, S. Souentie, S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, J. C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, C. J. Pereira, C. G. Vayenas J. Applied Electrochem. 2008
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C2H4 in 10% O2 using a monolithic electropromoted reactor with Rh/YSZ/Pt elements S. Souentie, A. Hammad, S. Brosda, G. Foti, C.G. Vayenas J. Applied Electrochem. 2008
NO reduction performance of Rh paste catalyst on YSZ under steady state and forced oscillation electropromotion conditions S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas J. Applied Electrochem. 2008
Electrochemical promotion of CO2 hydrogenation on Rh/YSZ electrodes S. Bebelis, H. Karasali, C.G. Vayenas J. Applied Electrochem. 2008
Electrochemical Promotion of NO Reduction by C2H4 in Excess O2 Using a Monolithic Electropromoted Reactor and Pt–Rh Sputtered Electrodes C. Koutsodontis, A. Hammad, M. Lepage, Y. Sakamoto, G. Fóti, C. G. Vayenas Topics in Catalysis 2008
Mathematical modeling of the operation of SOFC Nickel-cermet anodes D. Presvytes, C. G. Vayenas  Ionics 2007
Methanol reformate treatment in a PEM fuel cell-reactor F.M. Sapountzi, M.N. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2007
First principles analytical prediction of the conductivity of Nafion membranes C.G. Vayenas, M.N. Tsampas, A. Katsaounis Electrochimica Acta 2007
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 on Rh catalyst-electrode films supported on YSZ and on dispersed Rh/YSZ catalysts I. Constantinou, D. Archonta, S. Brosda, M. Lepage, Y. Sakamoto, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 2007
Absolute potential measurements in solid and aqueous electrochemistry using two Kelvin probes and their implications for the electrochemical promotion of catalysis D. Tsiplakides, D. Archonta, C. G. Vayenas Topics in Catalysis 2007
Electrochemical promotion in a monolith electrochemical plate reactor applied to simulated and real automotive pollution control S..P. Balomenou, D.s Tsiplakides, C. G. Vayenas, S. Poulston, V. Houel, P. Collier, A.G. Konstandopoulos, C. Agrafiotis Topics in Catalysis 2007
Electrocatalysis and electrochemical promotion of CO oxidation in PEM fuel cells: the role of oxygen crossover F. Sapountzi, M. N. Tsampas, C. G. Vayenas Topics in Catalysis 2007
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of the catalytic activity for propane combustion of Pt/YSZ and Rh/YSZ catalyst-electrodes S. Bebelis, N. Kotsionopoulos Solid State Ionics 2006
Proton and electron wave-particles in chemical and physical environments Costas G. Vayenas, Alexandros D. Katsaounis Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2006
The effect of membrane thickness on the conductivity of Nafion M.N. Tsampas, A. Pikos, S. Brosda, A. Katsaounis, C.G. Vayenas Electrochimica Acta 2006
Potential-dependent electrolyte resistance and steady-state multiplicities of PEM fuel cells A. Katsaounis, M. Tsampas, S.P. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2006
Triode fuel cells S.P. Balomenou, F. Sapountzi, D. Presvytes, M. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2006
STM observation of the origin of electrochemical promotion on metal catalyst-electrodes interfaced with YSZ and β″-Al2O3 D. Archonta, A. Frantzis, D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2006
Monolithic electrochemically promoted reactors: A step for the practical utilization of electrochemical promotion S.P. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, A. Katsaounis, S. Brosda, A. Hammad, G. Fóti, Ch. Comninellis, S. Thiemann-Handler, B. Cramer, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2006
Rules of chemical promotion S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas, J. Wei Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2006
The effect of catalyst film thickness on the magnitude of the electrochemical promotion of catalytic reactions
C. Koutsodontis, A. Katsaounis, J. C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, Carmo J. Pereira, C. G. Vayenas
Topics in Catalysis 2006
The effect of catalyst film thickness on the electrochemical promotion of ethylene oxidation on Pt C. Koutsodontis, A. Katsaounis, J. C. Figueroa, C. Cavalca, C. Pereira, C. G. Vayenas Topics in Catalysis 2006
Electrochemical promotion of RuO2 catalysts for the combustion of toluene and ethylene I. Constantinou, I. Bolzonella, C. Pliangos, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas Catalysis Letters 2005
Electrochemically Induced Oscillations of C2H4 Oxidation Over Thin Sputtered Rh Catalyst Films E. A. Baranova, A. Thursfield, S. Brosda, G. Fóti, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas Catalysis Letters 2005
Electrochemical promotion of catalysis: mechanistic investigations and monolithic electropromoted reactors D. Tsiplakides, S. Balomenou, A. Katsaounis, D. Archonta, C. Koutsodontis, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 2005
The role of potential-dependent electrolyte resistance in the performance, steady-state multiplicities and oscillations of PEM fuel cells: Experimental investigation and macroscopic modelling A. Katsaounis, S.P. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, M. Tsampas, C.G. Vayenas Electrochimica Acta 2005
Proton tunneling-induced bistability, oscillations and enhanced performance of PEM fuel cells A. Katsaounis, S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, S. Brosda, S. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2005
Electrochemical Promotion of Ethylene Oxidation over Rh Catalyst Thin Films Sputtered on YSZ and TiO2/YSZ  Supports E. A. Baranova, A. Thursfield, S. Brosda, G. Fóti, Ch. Comninellis, and C. G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 2005
Thermodynamic analysis of the electrochemical promotion of catalysis C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2004
Novel monolithic electrochemically promoted catalytic reactor for environmentally important reactions S. Balomenou, D. Tsiplakides, A. Katsaounis, S. Thiemann-Handler, B. Cramer, G. Foti, Ch. Comninellis, C.G. Vayenas Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2004
Comparative isotope-aided investigation of electrochemical promotion and metal–support interactions 1. 18O2 TPD of electropromoted Pt films deposited on YSZ and of dispersed Pt/YSZ catalysts A. Katsaounis, Z. Nikopoulou, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 2004
Comparative isotope-aided investigation of electrochemical promotion and metal–support interactions 2. CO oxidation by 18O2 on electropromoted Pt films deposited on YSZ and on nanodispersed Pt/YSZ catalysts A. Katsaounis, Z. Nikopoulou, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 2004
Triode Fuel Cells and Batteries Stella P. Balomenou and Constantinos G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 2004
Successful scale up of gas recycle reactor–separators for the production of C2H4 from CH4 Maria Makri, Costas G Vayenas Applied Catalysis A: General 2003
Fermi level and potential distribution in solid electrolyte cells with and without ion spillover Ilan Riess, Costas G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2003
Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of the origin of electrochemical promotion and metal–support interactions C.G. Vayenas, D. Archonta, D. Tsiplakides Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2003
Electrochemical promotion of an oxidation reaction using a proton conductor A. Thursfield, S. Brosda, C. Pliangos, T. Schober, C.G. Vayenas Electrochimica Acta 2003
The double-layer approach to promotion, electrocatalysis, electrochemical promotion, and metal–support interactions C.G. Vayenas, S. Brosda, C. Pliangos Journal of Catalysis 2003
Electrochemical promotion: experiment, rules and mathematical modeling C. Vayenas, S. Brosda Solid State Ionics 2002
Electrochemical promotion of conventional and bipolar reactor configurations for NO reduction C. Pliangos, C. Raptis, I. Bolzonella, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 2002
Rules and Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical and Classical Promotion 2. Modeling S. Brosda, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 2002
The absolute potential scale in solid state electrochemistry D Tsiplakides, C.G Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2002
Investigation of the state of the electrochemically generated adsorbed O species on Au films interfaced with Y2O3-doped-ZrO2 D. Tsiplakides, S. G. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 2001
Spillover-modified catalysis: Experimental rules and mathematical modeling C. Vayenas, S. Brosda Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 2001
Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical Promotion and of Metal−Support Interactions
C. G. Vayenas and G. E. Pitselis
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001
Characterization of hydrotreating catalysts using the principal component analysis N Pasadakis, C Yiokari, N Varotsis, C Vayenas Applied Catalysis A: General 2001
Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde with 50% yield in a continuous recycle reactor separator (CRRS) I.C. Bafas, I.E. Constantinou, C.G. Vayenas
Chemical Engineering Journal 2001
Rules and Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical and Chemical Promotion 1. Reaction Classification and Promotional Rules C.G Vayenas, S Brosda, C Pliangos Journal of Catalysis 2001
Electrochemical Promotion and Metal–Support Interactions J Nicole, D Tsiplakides, C Pliangos, X.E Verykios, Ch Comninellis, C.G Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 2001
Electrode Work Function and Absolute Potential Scale in Solid-State Electrochemistry D. Tsiplakides and C.G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 2001
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 and CO on Rh/YSZ catalyst — Electrodes C. Pliangos, C. Raptis, Th. Badas, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 2000
High-Pressure Electrochemical Promotion of Ammonia Synthesis over an Industrial Iron Catalyst C.G. Yiokari , G.E. Pitselis , D.G. Polydoros , A.D. Katsaounis , and C.G. Vayenas J. Phys. Chem. A 2000
On the work function of the gas exposed electrode surfaces in solid state electrochemistry C.G. Vayenas Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2000
Electrochemical promotion (NEMCA) of CH4 and C2H4 oxidation on Pd/YSZ and investigation of the origin of NEMCA via AC impedance spectroscopy A.D Frantzis, S Bebelis, C.G Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2000
Investigation of electrochemical promotion using temperature-programmed desorption and work function measurements D Tsiplakides, S Neophytides, C.G Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2000
Electrochemical promotion of Pd, Fe and distributed Pt catalyst-electrodes S Balomenou, G Pitselis, D Polydoros, A Giannikos, A Vradis, A Frenzel, C Pliangos, H Pütter, C.G Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2000
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 on Rh/YSZ catalyst-electrodes C Pliangos, C Raptis, Th Badas, C.G Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2000
On the work function of the gas-exposed electrode surfaces in solid state electrolyte cells C.G. Vayenas, D. Tsiplakides Surface Science 2000
Electrochemical promotion of a classically promoted Rh catalyst for the reduction of NO C Pliangos, C Raptis, Th Badas, D Tsiplakides, C.G Vayenas Electrochimica Acta 2000
Electrochemical activation of catalytic reactions using anionic, cationic and mixed conductors S. Bebelis, M. Makri, A. Buekenhoudt, J. Luyten, S. Brosda, P. Petrolekas, C. Pliangos, C.G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2000
Electrochemical promotion of ethylene and propylene oxidation on Pt deposited on yttria–titania–zirconia P Beatrice, C Pliangos, W.L Worrell, C.G Vayenas Solid State Ionics 2000
Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by C3H6 on Rh/YSZ catalyst — electrodes and investigation of the origin of the promoting action using TPD and WF measurements C. Raptis, Th. Badas, D. Tsiplakides, C. Pliangos, C.G. Vayenas Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 2000
An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of zirconia-supported Mo and Ni–Mo hydrodesulfurization catalysts D Sotiropoulou, C Yiokari, C.G Vayenas, S Ladas Applied Catalysis A: General 1999
Temperature Programmed Desorption of Oxygen from Ag Films Interfaced with Y2O3-Doped ZrO2 D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1999
Electrochemical promotion of electronically isolated and dispersed Pt catalysts M. Marwood, S. Balomenou, A. Tsiliras, C. A. Cavalca, C. Pliangos, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1998
Temperature-Programmed Desorption of Oxygen from Pt Films Interfaced with Y2O3-Doped ZrO2 S.G. Neophytides, D. Tsiplakides, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1998
Electrochemical Promotion of a Dispersed Platinum Catalyst M. Marwood, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1998
Unsteady state operation of catalytic particles with constant and periodically changing degree of external wetting Ch. Kouris, St. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas, J. Tsamopoulos Chemical Engineering Science 1998
Work Function and Catalytic Activity Measurements of an IrO2 Film Deposited on YSZ Subjected to In Situ Electrochemical Promotion D. Tsiplakides, J. Nicole, C.G. Vayenas, and Ch. Comninellis J. Electrochem. Soc. 1998
Electrochemical Promotion of Ethylene Oxidation on Pt Catalyst Films Deposited on CeO2 P. D. Petrolekas, S. Balomenou, and C.G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 1998
Electrochemical Promotion of Pt Catalyst Electrodes Deposited on Na3Zr2Si2 PO12 during Ethylene Oxidation P. D. Petrolekas, S. Brosda, and C.G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 1998
Electrochemical promotion of CH4 oxidation on Pd A. Giannikos, A. D. Frantzis, C. Pliangos, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1998
Electrochemical promotion of Pd for the hydrogenation of C2H2 A. Giannikos, P. Petrolekas, C. Pliangos, A. Frenzel, C. G. Vayenas, H. Pütter Ionics 1998
Support-induced promotional effects on the activity of automotive exhaust catalysts 1. The case of oxidation of light hydrocarbons (C2H4) C. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, V.G. Papadakis, C.G. Vayenas, X.E. Verykios Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 1997
Improvement of automotive exhaust catalysts by support and electrochemical modification induced promotional effects V.G. Papadakis, C.A. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 1997
Hydrotreatment of spent lube oil: Catalysts and reactor performance C. Yiokari, S. Morphi, A. Siokou, F. Satra, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas, C. Karavassilis, G. Deligiorgis Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1997
Oxidative coupling of methane to ethylene with 85% yield in a gas recycle electrocatalytic or catalytic reactor separator I.V. Yentekakis, Y. Jiang, M. Makri, C.G. Vayenas Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1997
Direct STM, XPS and TPD observation of spillover phenomena over mm distances on metal catalyst films interfaced with solid electrolytes C.G. Vayenas, R.M. Lambert, S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides, M.S. Tikhov, N.C. Filkin, M. Makri, D. Tsiplakides, C. Cavalca, K. Besocke Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1997
Electrochemical Promotion of Electronically Isolated Pt Catalysts on Stabilized Zirconia M. Marwood, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1997
In SituControlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces via NEMCA: The Effect of Na on the Pt-Catalyzed NO Reduction by H2 O.A. Marina, I.V. Yentekakis, C.G. Vayenas, A. Palermo, R.M. Lambert Journal of Catalysis 1997
Electrochemical Promotion of the Catalytic Reduction of NO by CO on Palladium M. Marwood, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1997
Nonfaradaic Electrochemical Modification of the Catalytic Activity of Pt‐Black Electrodes Deposited on Nafion 117 Solid Polymer Electrolytes D. Tsiplakides, S. G. Neophytides, O. Enea, M. Jaksic, and C. G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 1997
Electrochemical promotion of ammonia decomposition over Fe catalyst films interfaced with K+- & H+- conductors G. E. Pitselis, P. D. Petrolekas, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1997
Thermal desorption study of Oxygen adsorption on Pt, Ag & Au films deposited on YSZ D. Tsiplakides, S. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1997
Quantum-Chemical Study of Electrochemical Promotion in Catalysis Gianfranco Pacchioni, Francesc Illas, Stelios Neophytides, and Constantinos G. Vayenas
J. Phys. Chem. 1996
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of the Catalytic Activity of Pt for H2 Oxidation in Aqueous Alkaline Media S.G. Neophytides, D. Tsiplakides , P. Stonehart, M. Jaksic, and C.G. Vayenas J. Phys. Chem. 1996
Applications of clay minerals in sensor techniques U. Guth, S. Brosda, J. Schomburg Applied Clay Science 1996
Atomic resolution STM imaging of electrochemically controlled reversible promoter dosing of catalysts M. Makri, C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, K.H. Besocke, C. Cavalca Surface Science 1996
Development of high performance, Pd-based, three way catalysts V.G. Papadakis, C.A. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas Catalysis Today 1996
Oxidative coupling of methane to ethylene with 85 yield in a gasrecycle electrocatalytic or catalytic reactor-separator M. Makri, Y. Jiang, I.V. Yentekakis, C.G. Vayenas Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1996
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity 9. Ethylene Oxidation on Pt Deposited on TiO2 C. Pliangos, I.V. Yentekakis, S. Ladas, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1996
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity X. Ethylene Epoxidation on Ag Deposited on Stabilized ZrO2in the Presence of Chlorine Moderators Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1996
In SituControlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces via NEMCA: The Effect of Na on the Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation in the Presence of Chlorine Moderators Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1996
Atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of Pt electrodes interfaced with β″-Al2O3 M. Makri, C. G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, K. H. Besocke, C. Cavalca Ionics 1996
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of the catalytic activity of Pt using a CaZr0.9In0.1O3-α proton conductor M. Makri, A. Buekenhoudt, J. Luyten, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1996
TPD and Cyclic Voltammetric Investigation of the Origin of Electrochemical Promotion in Catalysis S. G. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas
J. Phys. Chem. 1995
In situ Controlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces via Solid Electrolytes: The NEMCA effect
 C.G. Vayenas, I.V. Yentekakis, S.I. Bebelis and S.G. Neophytides
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1995
Support and nemca induced promotional effects on the activity of automotive exhaust catalysts I.V. Yentekakis, C.A. Pliangos, V.G. Papadakis, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1995
Electrochemical promotion of IrO2 catalyst for the gas phase combustion of ethylene E. Varkaraki, J. Nicole, E. Plattner, Ch. Comninellis, C. G. Vayenas J. Applied Electrochem. 1995
In Situ Controlled Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces Via Solid Electrolytes: The NEMCA Effect Constantinos G. Vayenas, Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Symeon I. Bebelis and Stylianos G. Neophytides Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 1995
Selectivity maximization of ethylene epoxidation via NEMCA with zirconia and β″-Al2O3 solid electrolytes Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
The effect of catalyst-electrode potential and work function on the chemisorptive bond of oxygen on Pt interfaced with YSZ S. G. Neophytides, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
Electrochemical promotion in emission control catalysis R. M. Lambert, I. R. Harkness, I. V. Yentekakis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
In situ controlled promotion of catalyst surfaces via solid electrolytes: Ethylene oxidation on Rh and propylene oxidation on Pt A. C. Kaloyannis, C. A. Pliangos, I. V. Yentekakis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
Ethylene production from methane in a gas recycle electrocatalytic reactor separator I. V. Yentekakis, Y. Jiang, M. Makri, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
Electrochemical promotion of catalyst surfaces deposited on ionic and mixed conductors A. C. Kaloyannis, C. A. Pliangos, D. T. Tsiplakides, I. V. Yentekakis, S. G. Neophytides, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
Electrochemical promotion of environmentally important catalytic reactions R. M. Lambert, M. Tikhov, A. Palermo, I. V. Yentekakis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
Catalysis, electrocatalysis and electrochemical promotion of the steam reforming of methane over Ni film and Ni-YSZ cermet anodes I. V. Yentekakis, Y. Jiang, S. Neophytides, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
Electrochemical promotion of the NO reduction by C2H4 on Pt/YSZ and by CO on Pd/YSZ M. Marwood, A. Kaloyannis, C. G. Vayenas Ionics 1995
Methane to Ethylene with 85% Yield in a Gas-Recycle Electrocatalytic Reactor-separator
Science 1994
In Situ controlled promotion of catalyst surfaces via NEMCA: The effect of Na on the Pt-catalyzed CO oxidation I.V. Yentekakis, G. Moggridge, C.G. Vayenas, R.M. Lambert Journal of Catalysis 1994
Electrochemical promotion in catalysis: non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity C.G. Vayenas, S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, S. Neophytides, Jiang Yi, Ch. Karavasilis, C. Pliangos Electrochimica Acta 1994
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity: solid electrolytes as active catalyst supports C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, Ch. Karavasilis, Jiang Yi Solid State Ionics 1994
Electrochemical enhancement of a catalytic reaction in aqueous solution S.G. Neophytides, D. Tsiplakides, P. Stonehart, M.M. Jaksic C.G. Vayenas, Nature 1994
Origin of non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity S. Ladas, S. Kennou, S. Bebelis, C. G. Vayenas
J. Phys. Chem. 1993
Electrochemical modification of methanol oxidation selectivity and activity on a platinum single-pellet catalytic reactor C. A. Cavalca, G. Larsen, C. G. Vayenas, G. L. Haller
J. Phys. Chem. 1993
In situ High Temperature SERS study of Oxygen adsorbed on Ag: Support and Electrochemical Promotion Effects D.I. Kondarides, G.N. Papatheodorou, C.G. Vayenas and X.E. Verykios 
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem 1993
Ion spillover as the origin of the NEMCA effect C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, S. Neophytides, Jiang Yi Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1993
Solid Electrolytes for in Situ Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces: The Nemca Effect C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras, H. Karasali, Ch. Karavasilis Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1993
Study of the NEMCA effect in a single-pellet catalytic reactor I.V. Yentekakis, S. Bebelis Journal of Catalysis 1992
Hydration and Carbonation of Pozzolanic Cements  V.G. Papadakis, M.N. Fardis and C.G. Vayenas
ACI Materials J. 1992
Effect of Composition, Environmental Factors and cement line mortar coating on Concrete Carbonation V.G. Papadakis, M.N. Fardis and C.G. Vayenas
J. Materials and Structures 1992
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity: the work function of metal electrodes in solid electrolyte cells Costas G. Vayenas, Symeon Bebelis, Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Stelios Neophytides Solid State Ionics 1992
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 5. Oxygen chemisorption on silver S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1992
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 6. Ethylene epoxidation on Ag deposited on stabilized ZrO2 S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1992
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity: A status report C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, H.-G. Lintz Catalysis Today 1992
Physical and Chemical Characteristics Affecting the Durability of Concretes V.G. Papadakis, M.N. Fardis and C.G. Vayenas
ACI Materials J. 1991
Fundamental Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Concrete Carbonation V. Papadakis, C.G. Vayenas and M.N. Fardis
ACI Materials J. 1991
Solid Electrolytes and Catalysis. Part 1: Chemical Cogeneration C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis and C. Kyriazis
Chemtech 1991
Solid Electrolytes and Catalysis. Part 2: Non-Faradaic Catalysis  C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis and C. Kyriazis
Chemtech 1991
Solid Electrolytes for in situ Promotion of Catalyst Surfaces: The NEMCA effect C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras, H. Karasali and Ch. Karavasilis ISSI Letters 1991
Catalytic and Electrocatalytic Reactions in Solid Electrolyte Cells: The NEMCA effect C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras, H. Karasali and Ch. Karavasilis
Materials Science Forum 1991
Work Function Measurements in Solid Electrolyte Cells: Dependence of Electrode Work Function on Electrode Potential and Polarization S. Bebelis and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Science Forum 1991
NEMCA: The Oxidation of CO on Pt H. Karasali and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Science Forum 1991
NEMCA: The Oxidation of CO on Ag Ch. Karavasilis, S. Bebelis and C.G. Vayenas
Materials Science Forum 1991
Kinetics of sulphation of limestone and precalcined limestone Demetrios N. Spartinos, Costas G. Vayenas Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 1991
Experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of the concrete carbonation problem Vagelis G. Papadakis, Costas G. Vayenas, Michael N. Fardis Chemical Engineering Science 1991
Work function measurements on catalyst films subject to in situ electrochemical promotion S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas Surface Science Letters 1991
Oxidative coupling of methane over yttria-doped zirconia solid electrolyte S. Seimanides, P. Tsiakaras, X.E. Verykios, C.G. Vayenas Applied Catalysis 1991
Work function measurements on catalyst films subject to in situ electrochemical promotion S. Ladas, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas Surface Science 1991
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 4. The use of β″-Al2O3 as the solid electrolyte C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, M. Despotopoulou Journal of Catalysis 1991
Solid electrolyte cyclic voltammetry for in situ investigation of catalyst surfaces C.G. Vayenas, A. Ioannides, S. Bebelis Journal of Catalysis 1991
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity III. The case of methanol oxidation on Pt C.G. Vayenas, S. Neophytides Journal of Catalysis 1991
Comments on optimal catalyst activity profiles in pellets—VIII. General nonisothermal reacting systems with arbitrary kinetics S. Pavlou, C.G. Vayenas, G. Dassios Chemical Engineering Science 1991
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity on Pt Metals C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, I.V. Yentekakis, P. Tsiakaras and H. Karasali
Plat. Met. Rev 1990
Optimal catalyst activity profile in pellets with shell-progressive poisoning: the case of fast linear kinetics Stavros Pavlou, Costas G. Vayenas Chemical Engineering Science 1990
Optimal catalyst activity distribution in pellets for selectivity maximization in triangular nonisothermal reaction systems: Application to cases of light olefin epoxidation S. Pavlou, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1990
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity: Partial Oxidation of C2H4 On Ag And CH3OH On Pt C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1990
Chemical Cogeneration in Solid Electrolyte Cells: The Oxidation of CH3OH to H2CO S. Neophytides and C.G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 1990
Dependence of catalytic rates on catalyst work function C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Ladas Nature 1990
Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity in Solid Electrolyte Cells  C.G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides and I.V. Yentekakis
Applied Physics (A) 1989
A Reaction Engineering Approach to the Problem of Concrete Carbonation V. Papadakis, C.G. Vayenas and M.N. Fardis
AIChE 1989
Optimal catalyst distribution for selectivity maximization in nonisothermal pellets: the case of consecutive reactions Costas G. Vayenas, Stavros Pavlou, Aristedes D. Pappas Chemical Engineering Science 1989
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 1. The case of ethylene oxidation on Pt S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1989
Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity 2. The case of methanol dehydrogenation and decomposition on Ag S. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1989
In situ high temperature SERS study of Ag catalysts and electrodes during ethylene epoxidation S. Boghosian, S. Bebelis, C.G. Vayenas, G.N. Papatheodorou Journal of Catalysis 1989
Chemical Cogeneration in Solid Electrolyte Cells: The Oxidation of H2S to SO2 I.V. Yentekakis and C.G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 1989
Feste Ionenleiter in der heterogenen Katalyse H.G. Lintz and C.G. Vayenas Angewandte Chemie 1989
Solid Ion Conductors in Heterogeneous Catalysis H.G. Lintz and C.G. Vayenas Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 1989
Non-Faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity C. G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides
J. Phys. Chem. 1988
Mathematical Modelling of SLC Precalciners S. Kolifetis and C.G. Vayenas
ZKG (Zement-Kalk-Gypsum) International 1988
Optimal catalyst distribution for selectivity maximization in nonisothermal pellets: The case of parallel reactions Costas G. Vayenas, Stavros Pavlou Chemical Engineering Science 1988
Catalytic and electrocatalytic reactions in solid oxide fuel cells Costas G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 1988
Solid electrolyte aided study of the mechanism of CO oxidation on polycrystalline platinum I.V. Yentekakis, S. Neophytides, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1988
The effect of electrochemical oxygen pumping on the steady-state and oscillatory behavior of CO oxidation on polycrystalline Pt I.V. Yentekakis, C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1988
Optimal catalyst activity distribution and generalized effectiveness factors in pellets: Single reactions with arbitrary kinetics Costas G. Vayenas, Stavros Pavlou Chemical Engineering Science 1987
Effectiveness factors for reactions between volatile and non-volatile components in partially wetted catalysts Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Costas G. Vayenas Chemical Engineering Science 1987
Optimal Catalyst Distribution in Pellets with Shell Progressive Poisoning: The Case of Linear Kinetics T. Bacaros, S. Bebelis, S. Pavlou, C.G. Vayenas Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1987
Optimal catalyst distribution for selectivity maximization in pellets: Parallel and consecutive reactions C.G. Vayenas, S. Pavlou Chemical Engineering Science 1987
Optimal residence time policy for product yield maximization in chemical reactors V. Nestoridis, I. Andreou, C. G. Vayenas

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

A Novel Cross‐Flow Design for Solid‐State Electrochemical Reactors J. N. Michaels, C. G. Vayenas, and L. L. Hegedus J. Electrochem. Soc. 1986
Cross-flow, solid-state electrochemical reactors: a steady state analysis Costas G. Vayenas, Pablo G. Debenedetti, Iannis Yentekakis, L. Louis Hegedus
Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamen. 1985
Kinetics of vapor-phase electrochemical oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene James N. Michaels, Costas G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1984
Comment on the “interpretation of the electromotive forces of solid electrolyte concentration cells during CO oxidation on platinum” and on “electromotive forces studies of CO oxidation on platinum” C.G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1984
Electrocatalytic Rate Enhancement of Propylene Epoxidation on Porous Silver Electrodes Using a Zirconia Oxygen Pump M. Stoukides and C. G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 1984
Styrene Production from Ethylbenzene on Platinum in a Zirconia Electrochemical Reactor J. N. Michaels and C. G. Vayenas J. Electrochem. Soc. 1984
Solid electrolyte-aided study of propylene oxidation on polycrystalline silver Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1983
Steady-state analysis of high temperature fuel cells P.G. Debenedetti, C.G. Vayenas Chemical Engineering Science 1983
On the stability limit of surface platinum oxide and its role in oscillation phenomena of platinum catalyzed oxidations Costas G. Vayenas, James N. Michaels Surface Science 1982
Kinetics and rate oscillations of the oxidation of propylene oxide on polycrystalline silver Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1982
Response to “comment on the model for isothermal oscillations of ethylene oxidation on platinum” C.G. Vayenas, C. Georgakis, J.N. Michaels Journal of Catalysis 1982
Ammonia oxidation to nitric oxide in a solid electrolyte fuel cell Catherine T. Sigal, Costas G. Vayenas Solid State Ionics 1981
The effect of electrochemical oxygen pumping on the rate and selectivity of ethylene oxidation on polycrystalline silver Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1981
Solid-electrolyte-aided study of the ethylene oxidation on polycrystalline silver Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1981
The role of PtOx in the isothermal rate oscillations of ethylene oxidation on platinum C.G. Vayenas, C. Georgakis, J. Michaels, J. Tormo Journal of Catalysis 1981
The effect of homogeneous gas phase oxidations in char particle gasification R.R. Cwiklinski, C.G. Vayenas, C. Georgakis, J. Wei Chemical Engineering Science 1981
Solid electrolyte aided study of the ethylene oxide oxidation on silver Michael Stoukides, Costas G. Vayenas Journal of Catalysis 1980
Kinetics, limit cycles, and mechanism of the ethylene oxidation on platinum C.G. Vayenas, B. Lee, J. Michaels Journal of Catalysis 1980
Cogeneration of Electric Energy and Nitric Oxide C.G. Vayenas and R.D. Farr
Science 1980
Ammonia High Temperature Solid Electrolyte Fuel Cell R.D. Farr and C.G. Vayenas
 J. Electrochem. Soc. 1980
Chemistry at catalytic surfaces The SO2 oxidation on noble metals C.G. Vayenas, H.M. Saltsburg Journal of Catalysis 1979
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