Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity: A current overview | Laura I.V. Holz, Francisco J.A. Loureiro, Vanessa C.D. Graça, Allan J.M. Araújo, Diogo Mendes, Adélio Mendes, Duncan P. Fagg
Heterogeneous Catalysis Materials and Applications,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Ed. Moisés Romolos Cesario and Daniel Araújo de Macedo
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Ionically Conducting Ceramics as Active Catalyst Supports | Philippe Vernoux, Leonardo Lizarraga, Mihalis N. Tsampas, Foteini M. Sapountzi, Antonio De Lucas-Consuegra, Jose-Luis Valverde, Stamatios Souentie, Costas G. Vayenas, Dimitris Tsiplakides Stella Balomenou, and Elena A. Baranova
Chemical Reviews | 2013 | |
Promotion, Electrochemical Promotion and Metal–Support Interactions: Their Common Features | Costas G. Vayenas | Catalysis Letters | 2013 | |
One of the Recent Discoveries in Catalysis: The Phenomenon of Electrochemical Promotion | Carmen Jiménez Borja, Antonio de Lucas Consuegra, Jose Luis Valverde, Fernando Dorado, Ángel Caravaca, Jesús González Cobos | Nova Science Publishers | 2012 | |
Bridging Electrochemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis | C.G. Vayenas |
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry | 2011 | |
Recent developments and trends in the electrochemical promotion of catalysis (EPOC) | A. Katsaounis
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry | 2010 | |
Milestones and perspectives in electrochemically promoted catalysis | Dimitrios Tsiplakides, Stella Balomenou | Catalysis Today | 2009 | |
Solid Ion Conductors in Heterogeneous Catalysis | H.-G. Lintz and C.G. Vayenas |
Angewandte Chemie Intern. Ed. in Engl. | 1989 |