Laboratory of Chemical & Electrochemical Processes

Department of Chemical Engineering – University of Patras

Rotating Neutrino Model


Catalysis in Chemistry and Physics The Roles of Leptons, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Constantinos G. Vayenas, Dionysios G. Tsousis, Eftychia H. Martino

Publisher Springer Cham,

The Catalytic Role of Electrons and Positrons in the Synthesis of Chemicals and of Hadrons C.G. Vayenas and D. Tsousis  Topics in Catalysis 2023
Computation of the Deuteron Mass and Force Unification via the Rotating Lepton Model
Constantinos G. Vayenas, Dimitrios Grigoriou, Dionysios Tsousis, Konstantinos Parisis and Elias C. Aifantis
Axioms 2022
Speeds of Wave Propagation in Ideal Gaseous Molecular and Neutrino Media Constantinos G. Vayenas, Dionysios Tsousis, Dimitrios Grigoriou J. Phys. Chem. B  2022
Hadronization via gravitational confinement of fast neutrinos: Mechanics at fm distances Constantinos G. VayenasDionysios TsousisDimitrios GrigoriouKostas ParisisElias C. Aifantis ZAMM 2022
Computation of the masses of neutrinos from the Hadron and Boson masses via the Rotating Lepton model of elementary particles

C.G. Vayenas, D.Tsousis and D. Grigoriou

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2021
Mass generation via gravitational confinement C.G. Vayenas Proc. of the 19th Lomonosov Conference 8 2021
The rotating lepton model: Combining fundamental theories   Research Features 2021
Computation of the masses of W, Z and H bossons via the Rotating Lepton Model and the Newton-Einstein Equation D. Grigoriou Proc. of the 19th Lomonosov Conference 6 2021
Computation of the masses, energies and internal pressures of hadrons, mesons and bosons via the Rotating Lepton Model C.G. Vayenas, D. Tsousis  and D. Grigoriou Physica A 2020
Mass Generation via Gravitational confinement of relativistic neutrinos C.G. Vayenas & D. Grigoriou
arXiv:2001.09760v3 2020
The rotating lepton model: Combining fundamental theories C.G. Vayenas, D. Tsousis, D. Grigoriou Research Features 2020
Schwarzschild geodesics and the strong force D.P.  Grigoriou and C.G. Vayenas Proc. of the 18th Lomonosov Conference 2019
​Hadronization via gravitational confinement C.G. Vayenas and D.P.  Grigoriou Proc. of the 18th Lomonosov conference 2019
Computation of the masses, energies and internal pressures of hadrons, mesons and bosons via the Rotating Lepton Model C.G. Vayenas, D. Grigoriou and E. Martino J. Mech. Beh. Mat. 2019
Computation of the masses, energies and internal pressures of hadrons, mesons and bosons via the Rotating Lepton Model C.G. Vayenas, D. Tsousis, and D. Grigoriou Physica A 2019
Proton internal pressure distribution suggests a simple proton structure C.G. Vayenas, D. Grigoriou and E. Martino
J. Mech. Beh. Mat. 2019
On the mass and thermodynamics of the Higgs boson A.S. Fokas, C.G. Vayenas,  and D.P. Grigoriou
Physica A 2018
Thermodynamics and catalysis of the generation of mass C.G. Vayenas Proceedings of the Academy of Athens 2018
Catalysis and autocatalysis of chemical synthesis and of hadronization C.G. Vayenas, A.S. Fokas and D. Grigoriou Appl. Catal. B 2017
Erratum to “Catalysis and autocatalysis of chemical synthesis and of hadronization” [Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 203 (2017) 582-590] C.G. Vayenas, A.S. Fokas, and D. Grigoriou
Appl. Catal. B 2017
On the structure, masses and thermodynamics of the W±± bosons C.G. Vayenas, A.S. Fokas, D. Grigoriou Physica A 2016
Gravitationally confined relativistic neutrinos C.G. Vayenas, A.S. Fokas, and D.  Grigoriou J.Physics: Conf. Ser. (JPCS) 2016
On the structure, mass and thermodynamics of the Zo bosons A.S. Fokas, and C.G. Vayenas Physica A 2016
Computation of masses and binding energies of some hadrons and bosons according to the rotating lepton model and the relativistic Newton equation A.S. Fokas, and C.G. Vayenas J. Physics: Conf. Ser. (JPCS) 2016
Relations between the baryon quantum numbers of the Standard Model and of the rotating neutrino model C.G. Vayenas, A.S. Fokas, and D.P.  Grigoriou arXiv:1606.09570 2016
Microscopic black-hole stabilization via the uncertainty principle C.G Vayenas and D. Grigoriou J. Physics: Conf. Ser. (JPCS) 2015
Gravitational mass and Newton's universal gravitational law under relativistic conditions C. G. Vayenas, A.  Fokas, and D. Grigoriou J. Physics: Conf. Ser. (JPCS) 2015
Analytical computation of the Mercury perihelion precession via the relativistic gravitational law and comparison with general relativity A.S. Fokas, C.G. Vayenas, and D. Grigoriou arXiv:1509.03326v1 2015
A Bohr-type model of a composite particle using gravity as the attractive force C.G. Vayenas, S. Souentie, A. Fokas Physica A 2014
A Bohr-type model of a composite particle using gravity as the attractive force C.G. Vayenas, S.N. Souentie and A. Fokas arXiv:1306.5979v4 2014
Mathematical modeling of mass generation via confinement of relativistic particles C.G Vayenas Journal of Physics 2014
Mathematical Modeling of the Structure of Protons and Neutrons C.G. Vayenas Proceedings of the Academy of Athens 2013
Gravitational interactions between fast neutrinos and the formation of bound rotational states C.G. Vayenas and S.N. Souentie arXiv:1106.1525v4 2012
Gravity, special relativity and the strong force: A Bohr-Einstein-de Broglie model for the formation of hadrons Constantinos G. Vayenas, Stamatios N.-A. Souentie Springer, NY, ISBN 978-1-4614-3935-6 2012
A model of possible gravitational confinement of fast light particles C.G. Vayenas, S.N. Souentie arXiv:1003.4686v2 2011
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